regarding fair distribution of social resources

How should society be organised, if at all?

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regarding fair distribution of social resources

Post by Advocate »

In a situation where resources may not meet demand, they should be applied to the least needy instance first in order to maximize the number of instances which can be brought to sufficiency - triage.

After sufficiency has been achieved, those ends which are most desired should be addressed first, to maximize the amount of suffering eliminated.


We do in fact live in a post-sufficiency world (the resources available could easily provide sufficiency for all), we need to first start acting like it by equalizing sufficiency, and then start addressing problems in order of who cares about them most.

On an individual level - this does NOT mean coddling the feelers. Irrational levels of emotion are a problem to be addressed psychologically or medically, not irrationalizing the rest of society to suit them. I dare say concentrating on those who have the strongest feelings first will also radically improve the lives of everyone they interact with as well. Let the suffering maximization begin.
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