Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Dontaskme »

gaffo wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 4:18 am lets look toward the future with science.

Corona's RNA is more complex than the Flues, but it is also more stable, so when we get a vaccine in 2 yrs it will work for future version of corona.

HOWEVER, that does not mean immunity for far future, just because the viri will not mutate as fast as the flue and make the vaccien useless.

the vaccine may be useless in and of itself even if the viri's RNA is stable.

look at Rabies, i had to be vacinated agianst this due to a cat bite - 12 shot in my face. 5 yrs ago, good for only 3 yrs, so if bit today by a rabid animal without re-vactination i would die.

same may be true ot the corona, in which case we will all have to re-vacineated every few years for many decades hence.

- we do not know enough about corona yet to know if it might be like rabies, but i may be like it and require repeated vacinations.
I totally agree with everything you've pointed out here gaffo.

The really stark reality is staring us point blank between the eyes, and that is that this new novel virus is out there now - it's probably going to keep mutating - making it more and more difficult to contain - all vaccine attemps will just prove useless in the long run - and will be like bandaids upon a gushing gaping wound - In reality, the quaranteen / lockdown nonsense is not the answer - it's just putting off the inevitable - which realistically means that every living one of us is going to experience the effects from this virus eventually.

And so even if we do find a way of adapting to it just like we have done with past viruses and deadly diseases - does that mean it will stop there - I doubt it - another one will come along soon enough - that could even be a lot more deadly. And it's not just the virus that will cause problems, the impact will spread even wider striking at the very heart of how we make a living for ourselves - the economic knock-on effects will probably kill even more people that we dare to imagine.

It's not looking good for humanity to be honest - but it's probably for the best in that nature in her wisdom would be like any other sick body. There would be an automatic healing process set into motion in order to rid itself of any pollutions and poisons.

Doesn't look too good for the human immune system to be fair. The fight for survival may well become just too great for it to bare as the planet becomes more and more polluted by man made toxins....It seems that viruses are opportunists and a way to restore natures natural balance, who really knows for sure the ways of nature, I'm just guessing...and waffling on...

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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by gaffo »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:39 am
gaffo wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 4:18 am lets look toward the future with science.

Corona's RNA is more complex than the Flues, but it is also more stable, so when we get a vaccine in 2 yrs it will work for future version of corona.

HOWEVER, that does not mean immunity for far future, just because the viri will not mutate as fast as the flue and make the vaccien useless.

the vaccine may be useless in and of itself even if the viri's RNA is stable.

look at Rabies, i had to be vacinated agianst this due to a cat bite - 12 shot in my face. 5 yrs ago, good for only 3 yrs, so if bit today by a rabid animal without re-vactination i would die.

same may be true ot the corona, in which case we will all have to re-vacineated every few years for many decades hence.

- we do not know enough about corona yet to know if it might be like rabies, but i may be like it and require repeated vacinations.
I totally agree with everything you've pointed out here gaffo.

The really stark reality is staring us point blank between the eyes, and that is that this new novel virus is out there now - it's probably going to keep mutating - making it more and more difficult to contain - all vaccine attemps will just prove useless in the long run - and will be like bandaids upon a gushing gaping wound - In reality, the quaranteen / lockdown nonsense is not the answer - it's just putting off the inevitable - which realistically means that every living one of us is going to experience the effects from this virus eventually.

And so even if we do find a way of adapting to it just like we have done with past viruses and deadly diseases - does that mean it will stop there - I doubt it - another one will come along soon enough - that could even be a lot more deadly. And it's not just the virus that will cause problems, the impact will spread even wider striking at the very heart of how we make a living for ourselves - the economic knock-on effects will probably kill even more people that we dare to imagine.

It's not looking good for humanity to be honest - but it's probably for the best in that nature in her wisdom would be like any other sick body. There would be an automatic healing process set into motion in order to rid itself of any pollutions and poisons.

Doesn't look too good for the human immune system to be fair. The fight for survival may well become just too great for it to bare as the planet becomes more and more polluted by man made toxins....It seems that viruses are opportunists and a way to restore natures natural balance, who really knows for sure the ways of nature, I'm just guessing...and waffling on...

its ok, i like waffles and agree with your mindset (lockdown is just to buy time for vacine/ vacine will not be a cure, just a means to manage/mother nature will have the last laugh per any animals that get off the program of living within earth's ecology).

- one silver lining (lol - if you can think of it this way) - if say an airborn Ebola. or more lethal form of the airborn champ Lassa were to appear - with 85-percent fatality, though horrid and death filled, and the end of "civilization/rule of law" (i.e. the end of kind-humane culture (replacement would of course the a brutal tooth and nail culture), there will always be the odd genetic mutation (some folks that just do not die from Lassa/Ebola) - the 15 percent.

so maybe not the end of man - per the worst case pandemic (other roots to population culling are climate change to so bad as to kill of food supply) but instead a "reset" to man with a lower population and more in line with Earths ecosystem (minus the tech of course too - with 85-percent death rate globally, society would fail and it would take millinia to rebuild and relearn knowledge/tech).

I have no doubt man will eventually extinct himself (by mother nature/ or even by genetic engineering himself into someting no longer man), just that 7 billion is a hug number, and most "extinctions" even the worst will not be able to kill off all 7 billion.

thanks for reply sir! - you a brit? - just noticed your union jack (i'm american, but like your movies and tv shows - only the "golden age (70's)" though - Callan (no american knows of it - i only via YT 10 yrs ago and then buying the dvds/Danger UXB - same/etc.........modern BBC is crap IMO.

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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by gaffo »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:39 am
gaffo wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 4:18 am lets look toward the future with science.

Corona's RNA is more complex than the Flues, but it is also more stable, so when we get a vaccine in 2 yrs it will work for future version of corona.

HOWEVER, that does not mean immunity for far future, just because the viri will not mutate as fast as the flue and make the vaccien useless.

the vaccine may be useless in and of itself even if the viri's RNA is stable.

look at Rabies, i had to be vacinated agianst this due to a cat bite - 12 shot in my face. 5 yrs ago, good for only 3 yrs, so if bit today by a rabid animal without re-vactination i would die.

same may be true ot the corona, in which case we will all have to re-vacineated every few years for many decades hence.

- we do not know enough about corona yet to know if it might be like rabies, but i may be like it and require repeated vacinations.
I totally agree with everything you've pointed out here gaffo.

The really stark reality is staring us point blank between the eyes, and that is that this new novel virus is out there now - it's probably going to keep mutating - making it more and more difficult to contain - all vaccine attemps will just prove useless in the long run - and will be like bandaids upon a gushing gaping wound - In reality, the quaranteen / lockdown nonsense is not the answer - it's just putting off the inevitable - which realistically means that every living one of us is going to experience the effects from this virus eventually.

And so even if we do find a way of adapting to it just like we have done with past viruses and deadly diseases - does that mean it will stop there - I doubt it - another one will come along soon enough - that could even be a lot more deadly. And it's not just the virus that will cause problems, the impact will spread even wider striking at the very heart of how we make a living for ourselves - the economic knock-on effects will probably kill even more people that we dare to imagine.

It's not looking good for humanity to be honest - but it's probably for the best in that nature in her wisdom would be like any other sick body. There would be an automatic healing process set into motion in order to rid itself of any pollutions and poisons.

Doesn't look too good for the human immune system to be fair. The fight for survival may well become just too great for it to bare as the planet becomes more and more polluted by man made toxins....It seems that viruses are opportunists and a way to restore natures natural balance, who really knows for sure the ways of nature, I'm just guessing...and waffling on...

its ok, i like waffles and agree with your mindset (lockdown is just to buy time for vacine/ vacine will not be a cure, just a means to manage/mother nature will have the last laugh per any animals that get off the program of living within earth's ecology).

- one silver lining (lol - if you can think of it this way) - if say an airborn Ebola. or more lethal form of the airborn champ Lassa were to appear - with 85-percent fatality, though horrid and death filled, and the end of "civilization/rule of law" (i.e. the end of kind-humane culture (replacement would of course the a brutal tooth and nail culture), there will always be the odd genetic mutation (some folks that just do not die from Lassa/Ebola) - the 15 percent.

so maybe not the end of man - per the worst case pandemic (other roots to population culling are climate change to so bad as to kill of food supply) but instead a "reset" to man with a lower population and more in line with Earths ecosystem (minus the tech of course too - with 85-percent death rate globally, society would fail and it would take millinia to rebuild and relearn knowledge/tech).

I have no doubt man will eventually extinct himself (by mother nature/ or even by genetic engineering himself into someting no longer man), just that 7 billion is a hug number, and most "extinctions" even the worst will not be able to kill off all 7 billion.

thanks for reply sir! - you a brit? - just noticed your union jack (i'm american, but like your movies and tv shows - only the "golden age (70's)" though - Callan (no american knows of it - i only via YT 10 yrs ago and then buying the dvds/Danger UXB - same/etc.........modern BBC is crap IMO.

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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Dontaskme »

gaffo wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:24 pm
its ok, i like waffles and agree with your mindset (lockdown is just to buy time for vacine/ vacine will not be a cure, just a means to manage/mother nature will have the last laugh per any animals that get off the program of living within earth's ecology).

- one silver lining (lol - if you can think of it this way) - if say an airborn Ebola. or more lethal form of the airborn champ Lassa were to appear - with 85-percent fatality, though horrid and death filled, and the end of "civilization/rule of law" (i.e. the end of kind-humane culture (replacement would of course the a brutal tooth and nail culture), there will always be the odd genetic mutation (some folks that just do not die from Lassa/Ebola) - the 15 percent.

so maybe not the end of man - per the worst case pandemic (other roots to population culling are climate change to so bad as to kill of food supply) but instead a "reset" to man with a lower population and more in line with Earths ecosystem (minus the tech of course too - with 85-percent death rate globally, society would fail and it would take millinia to rebuild and relearn knowledge/tech).

I have no doubt man will eventually extinct himself (by mother nature/ or even by genetic engineering himself into someting no longer man), just that 7 billion is a hug number, and most "extinctions" even the worst will not be able to kill off all 7 billion.

Good observations and awareness, I think most of us are now thinking somewhere along these lines, so thanks for your thoughts about this.

I've heard, although I'll probably be informed my reports are ill-cited, nevertheless I've heard through the grapevine that this particular virus is being comparable to polio, now that's some weird virus. Just saying.
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Dontaskme »

gaffo wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:24 pm
I have no doubt man will eventually extinct himself (by mother nature/ or even by genetic engineering himself into someting no longer man), just that 7 billion is a hug number, and most "extinctions" even the worst will not be able to kill off all 7 billion.

Just wanted to come back to this point.

Maybe nuclear war might do the trick?

Or maybe an asteroid hit?

Whatever, we live but for a brief moment ...So watch this space, to infinity and is always under construction...
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by gaffo »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 9:29 am
gaffo wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:24 pm
I have no doubt man will eventually extinct himself (by mother nature/ or even by genetic engineering himself into someting no longer man), just that 7 billion is a hug number, and most "extinctions" even the worst will not be able to kill off all 7 billion.

Just wanted to come back to this point.

Maybe nuclear war might do the trick?

Or maybe an asteroid hit?

Whatever, we live but for a brief moment ...So watch this space, to infinity and is always under construction...
nuc war - no refer to Threads - a great movie of 1983

nucs lack the power to remove mankind - both in power and target...............there is no reason to target any nations south of the equator, and so no nucs will land there (South Africa and Brasil ended their nuc probrams 40 yrs ago - wisely - the former built the bomb the latter would have by 1990 if they wanted to). Wise leaders in SA and Brasil - getting the bomb would only make russia and us to retarget some of their arsinal southward.

per nuc war, northen hemispher would be toast and most would die, but not so in the other 1/2 of the world. folks in the lower half would have a short famin due to nuc winter, but after 5 yrs or so would be a-ok.

Asteriod?, yes if one was the size of the one that got the dinosuars - 10 miles - yes that would remove man from the earth - though not all life - 100 miles would remove all life and force a reset per 3.8 billion yrs ago.

thanks for reply Sir.

our moon is an interesting case in this regard, it looks like the moon is 4.4 billion yrs old - that means the earth existed for 1/4 of a billiion yrs without our moon, then a 3000 mile wide "asteroid" (planetiod) - probably just one of the planets in our solarsystem minding its own business - but via gravitational influence via jupiter moved too close to earth and eventually hit her - removing all life on Earth (assuming 250 million yrs is enough time for "germs"/or goo to form life here, and so a reset).
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Dontaskme »

Thanks for your interesting reply gaffo...much appreciated, food for thought in this one here, so thanks. I like the reset idea, yes, resets are essential especially when events are approaching critical mass overload of chaos resulting in a short-circuiting fail safe mechanism which is forced to take over. A good reset always restores order, just like it does in a mechanical computer...same goes for the biological computer too.

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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Sculptor »

attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am
We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.
Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt with the virus.
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by henry quirk »

Sculptor wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:28 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am
We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.
Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt with the virus.
How do you know this?
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by attofishpi »

Sculptor wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:28 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am
We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.
Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt with the virus.
You are getting old, your mistypes, this is what you must have meant to say:-

"Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt the virus."
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by henry quirk »

attofishpi wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 11:50 pm
Sculptor wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:28 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am
We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.
Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt with the virus.
You are getting old, your mistypes, this is what you must have meant to say:-

"Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt the virus."
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Sculptor »

attofishpi wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 11:50 pm
Sculptor wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:28 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am
We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.
Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt with the virus.
You are getting old, your mistypes, this is what you must have meant to say:-

"Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt the virus."
I'm sixty.
DO you want to make an issue out of it?
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by attofishpi »

Sculptor wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 8:42 am
attofishpi wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 11:50 pm
Sculptor wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 5:28 pm

Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt with the virus.
You are getting old, your mistypes, this is what you must have meant to say:-

"Odd thing to say since they are the only party on earth that has dealt the virus."
I'm sixty.
DO you want to make an issue out of it?
No I am just being an antagonising tosser, as usual.
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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by Impenitent »

gaffo wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 10:35 pm

our moon is an interesting case in this regard, it looks like the moon is 4.4 billion yrs old - that means the earth existed for 1/4 of a billiion yrs without our moon, then a 3000 mile wide "asteroid" (planetiod) - probably just one of the planets in our solarsystem minding its own business - but via gravitational influence via jupiter moved too close to earth and eventually hit her - removing all life on Earth (assuming 250 million yrs is enough time for "germs"/or goo to form life here, and so a reset). ... ogle-image

Trump's space force will take care of it...

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Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Post by PeteJ »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:39 am It's not looking good for humanity to be honest - but it's probably for the best in that nature in her wisdom would be like any other sick body. There would be an automatic healing process set into motion in order to rid itself of any pollutants and poisons.
Quite so. Every farmer knows monoculture leads to disease. Given human density levels and interference with biology I'd expect a new global pandemic every two decades or so.

This one may be doing wonders for the environment. I've spent years trying to figure out how to get aircraft out of the sky and cruise ships off the oceans and bingo, one little virus and its job done.
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