The Primordial Genesis of Epistemology

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The Primordial Genesis of Epistemology

Post by RyanDeBENNETT »

The Primordial Genesis of Epistemology

A mind warmup, an experiment then a question will take you closer to the origin of epistemology; and shed nuanced light on the questions, what is human? What is life?

Note for this article: alternate terms for knowing are thinking, pondering, cogitation, mentation, contemplation, learning, transcendence, philosophy

Where does mind start and end? To all offspring of Realism, please do not ‘confines of brain’ me...
I need to know (have Knowledge of) as this incorporates Person/Self/’the I’; this is the first axiom or perhaps ‘Super Axiom’ if you will. This is the first hard problem of Philosophy that I have termed The mind/Mind Problem (caps intended). Verily, that which unequivocally precedes the Mind/Body problem...Today, the conceited specious erroneous Knowledge of Mind (caps intended) Super Axiom denominates today's orthodox Reality...

“preceding I think therefore I am, one must “think in an I” ” –

Knowing is a divine essence of human, is divine per se. Knowledge of knowing evades all humanity hitherto. The offspring of a solved mind/Mind Problem (Mind-ists if you will) will decree and barrak otherwise, a belief choice which embodies case in on. With Knowledge of the mind/Mind Problem, one divinely acknowledges that all Knowledge is predicated on belief. One then acknowledges the true-er essence of human is knowing and Knowledge is and should rightfully be its product, it’s servant.


Thought Experiment
Let me take you for a chronological walk of reason. Is it reasonably safe in stating:

Knowing is completely unequivocally divine. Knowledge is a product of knowing, the effect of knowing. Knowledge is an objective moment of the subject knowing. Knowledge is the cessation of knowing or Knowledge is static knowing or discrete all-knowing (omniscience). When one is ‘pro’ Knowledge or posits Knowledge, one professes a ‘position’, makes a ‘point’; one is a Knowledge professor... These terms etymologically are all implications of discretisation/objectification of the indiscrete/subject knowing.

Knowledge, is dead knowing…

At this point, think about what view best represents you?
I reject your proposition. I know what knowing is, that is, i have Knowledge of knowing.

Yes Knowledge is the cessation of knowing. Knowledge is and can only exists in a moment of dead knowing

If you chose,
You believe Knowledge, pointedly yours or contemporary Knowledge is absolute. You or your peers are thus the primordial creator of all proceeding Knowledge. You and your Knowledge are the providence, the dispensator, the pontificate. As the creator, you are the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent demiurge and thus can always determine/validate absolutely. All Knowledge through your lens of Knowledge is deterministic. You embody the very definition of self-validation and yes indeed, you will validate a reality, a consciousness, the question ‘what is human’ with your own Knowledge and; inevitably feel a sense of truth, self worth, righteousness. In this choice, Knowledge, pointedly your Knowledge, is annointed over knowing and you will exist in a Knowledge penitentiary of your own Knowledge doctrine. You will more-than-likely self-profess omniscience by labelling products with the prefix “Smart”; a metric for self-omniscience (dead knowing) decree and anointment...You venerate/believe in Knowledge over knowing.

You believe knowing agents Knowledge and Knowledge is and-only-is a cessation of knowing. You believe Knowledge can be useful though not venerated or to be identified with. Via knowing, you can contemplate Knowledge, juxtapose Knowledge to build its worth or collapse it’s fallacy. You see all Knowledge radicals in Knowledge, Knowledge axioms that are predicated on belief. You acknowledge that Knowledge is all predicated on belief. Further, you acknowledge the first hard problem of Philosophy, a solved mind/Mind Problem (Mind) and you acknowledge its dendritic proceeds, its children, as today's orthodox Knowledge. You venerate/believe in knowing over Knowledge and your knowing on Knowledge conjures more knowing triumph and veneration over Knowledge.

The quintessential question to ‘what is human’ is embodied in the question do you anoint knowing or Knowledge? The point you choose Knowledge, knowing is triumphed, you become the net creator, and you will build identity with Knowledge and perpetually gain in essence of Knowledge thereof; that is ego or I-ism. Your doctrine of Knowledge is validated by your doctrine of Knowledge etc... No disdain intended, this is the essence of animal and is what sustains essence in/of animal. What keeps a Realist an offspring of Realism is not-knowing on a solved mind/Mind Problem. What keeps a Lion a Lion is not-knowing on wrath/pride. What keeps a person subjugated by lust is a person not-knowing on lust and so forth. Knowing is transcendence...

The Primordial Genesis of Epistemology, the true-er essence of human is to absolutely flee essence to which is ‘being of Knowledge’, via knowing. Knowing veneration keeps identification by/of Knowledge at bay.

Almost all eastern/western religious and philosophical esoteric motifs come back to the idea of the divine choice of Knowledge or knowing. Are you the creator, the omniscient (the all-knowing) or will you forever become to omniscience (knowing)? Dead knowing (Knowledge) on the mind/Mind Problem has created a 2500 year epoch denominated in and of Mind (a solved mind/Mind Problem) termed Realism. This is no-more-or-less a triumph of Mind veneration over mind veneration, a belief that has spawned Knowledge (dead knowing) which forms a penitentiary to all it’s believers. So-much-so the current orthodox reality (or penitentiary) is self titled ‘Reality’ after its belief doctrine Realism. It is hard to argue how Knowledge (dead knowing) veneration conjures a truer truth….

Knowing encourages cooperation and discourages hierarchical sectarianism or pro-portion-ism via incorporation (Knowledge). What is human is knowing, that is to fleet essence, dissolve difference borders and remain steadfast on the path of omniscience. It is a safe net good truth to say knowing is the essence of human and is the essential grand virtue of good.

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