Golgotha Mining Station

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Golgotha Mining Station

Post by henry quirk »

Location: about 500 years from now, 41 light years from Sol, in and on an irregular iron-nickel asteroid roughly 11 kilometers in length along its major axis (along with a large number of smaller ancillary [faction controlled] bodies in close proximity), one of many similar bodies making up Uroboros, the debris belt dominating the system.

Population: estimated between 4,000 and 6,000. There is no formal census (attempts at such a thing are generally taken as an invocation of '...or else').

What defines citizenship? Being there and taking care of yourself.

What makes a good citizen? Minding your own damn business and keeping your friggin' hands to yourself.

How does one become a citizen? Arriving, with marketable/practical skills and materials neccessary to make use of those skills (having a few erg-creds on hand can only help). A good citizen? Taking care of yourself, minding your business, keeping your hands to yourself.

Are there common characteristics that must be shared among citizens? Yes, In no particular order: self-reliance, gumption, frugality, intelligence, pragmatism, enviro-appropriate skills, a solitary nature, sobriety, micro-gravity adaptation, patience, twin tolerances for confined and open spaces, keen desire to live.

Is the social fabric of the community malleable? As a kind of minarchy, Golgotha is less a community and more a conglomeration of interacting, interrelated (loose) factions. The (One and Only) Law of Golgotha: Mind your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else. Observe the Law, take care of yourself, and you can do as you like.

Are there events in history that are understood by all good citizens? The year (and story of how) Golgotha went independent is known to Golgothans. It's not a requirement to know the story, but, on Independence Day, when the station is locked down, with all essential systems on short-term automatic (cuz the whole of Golgotha is in Bacchanal), it's only natural for a new citizen to ask 'why'?

What is the economic status of an average citizen? Varies, and defintions of 'well off' depend on (loose) faction. Abner Munson, owner/operator of the cargo hauler Make Do, might be considered to be of modest means by one of the pitchblende miners (one of the wealthier factions), while Munson himself considers his autonomy far more important than a few extra erg-creds.

Is there a need for a consensus of opinion amidst good citizens? Only in minding the Law.

From where do citizens draw their inspiration? From wherever they like, as they can, or need to. If there's any shared 'inspiration' it comes from being Golgothan.

Has there been a revision over time of what it means to be a good citizen? Not really. The Law has been the (one and only) law for over two centuries.

Is it important for citizens to live in geographical continuity (in the same place)? Mostly, but haulers like Munson probably spend more time away from Golgotha than in Golgotha and he's considered a citizen in good standing, so...


Murder: humans being humans there's always gonna be blood. 41 light years away, in the Sol System, the Orthodoxy solved the problem of human aggression by becoming something other than, but Golgothans, being human, are subject to human passions. So: murder happens. theft happens, rape happens, and when those things happen '...or else' is invoked.

Remember, the (One and Only) Law is 'MInd your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else'. It's a practical, on-going self-admonishment born of natural anarchists who labored under the heel of the Union (what was to become the Orthodoxy in the Sol System) too long, who said 'enough of this shit!', who introduced a whole community of Coggish (Union) bureaucrats and managers to hard vac, and declared themselves 'free and clear'.

Sex: leads to babies. Golgothans, taking 'take care of yourself' very seriously, being keenly aware that sex is a monumentally successful way to make babies, and knowing as fact babies are no damned good at doing diddly for themselves, reign in their urges sensibly.

Promiscuity is frowned on; courtship and monogamy is encouraged. Which, of course, doesn't stop randier folks. So: birth control (or M. Stern's Retreat) is encouraged when the will falters.

However, 'mind your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else' is the (One and Only) Law, so if some Golgothan throws caution to the wind and impregnates or is impregnated as result of imprudence, that's on them. There's no enforced social safety net, no one is obligated to finance another or help reduce the consequences of another's self-inflicted mistakes. So, the sexually irresponsible either take care of offspring on their own or they get the hell out of Golgotha. The Union station on the other side of the Uroboros is very welcoming of those who can't fend for themselves.

Sleazy Golgothans: fundamentally, folks who don't abide the Law (who don't last long in Golgotha). Everyone runs afoul of '...or else' from time to time. Most times this means a visit from the Constable (of the moment) and mebbe (if a resolution can't be had) laying your claim or defense with the Arbiter. Sometimes, though, '...or else' means your ass being introduced to hard vacuum (sans vac suit) by those you've wronged. Vigilantism isn't common (cuz if the vigilante is wrong, his ass is the one that'll eat hard vac) but it is practiced.

Theft: takin' what's not yours is serious shit. Golgothans are frugal, with most considering the inside of their vac suits or ships to be 'home', to be Golgotha. Space (in Golgotha proper or in one's private Golgotha) is at a premium, meaning possessions are few, meaning what a body owns a body cherishes (and probably relies on to stay alive and further itself).

Arrests: wholly unacceptable, even if the suspected violation of the Law is egregious. Being detained is another matter.

What happens to Law-breakers? depends on the violation...can range from equal-value compensation to shunning to having your ass kicked royally to deportation to being introduced to hard vacuum minus a vac suit.

Constable: whoever is on hand in the moment, responsible for helpin' folks iron out their differences or callin' an Arbiter. A cultural responsibility, considered odious but neccessary. No one is obligated to stand as Constable but it's considered bad form to refuse.

Arbiter: the court of last resort. When differences can't be ironed out with the Constable, a body lays his claim or his defense with the Arbiter. The Arbiter can be just about anyone the involved parties agree to. No one is obligated to arbitrate, but it's considered bad form to refuse (cuz it's considered a great compliment to be asked).

Militia: every man, woman, and child capable of responsibly (and accurately) using a firearm. Golgotha has it's share of enemies in the Uroboros and has had to defend itself before, and will again.

Religion: Golgothans tend to be irreligious but any and all practice is tolerated as long as it's kept private.

Smuggling: no such thing for a Golgothan. Munson, for example, understands other nations in the Uroboros have actual legal systems and accompanying legal restrictions, and -- as a conscientious Golgothan -- does his best to not haul that which offends, but: a buck is a buck, and some of them non-Golgothans are awfully narrow-minded, and in what sane uinverse is a shipment of force-grown clone-beef a bad thing?

Lawyers: introduced to hard vac.

Politicians: see above.


Comments and questions are welcomed.

Absolutely: this shit is my shit...claim it as your own and we -- you and me -- are gonna have a problem.
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Re: Golgotha Mining Station

Post by uwot »

So far, so good. One of the adages of writing is 'show, don't tell'. So you've set the stage; the reader doesn't need to know all that up front, most of it should become clear as the action unfolds. Dunno if you have a character in mind or a story, and I suspect that you and I would have different ideas as to how Utopian/Dystopian Golgotha is, but you've created a scene with plenty of potential.
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Post by henry quirk »

''show, don't tell'.

Absolutely. In the final work (novel, cluster of short pieces), if there is a final work, much of what I'm puttin' down in-thread won't see print, but, as I say here...


...this is world-building, thinking out loud. Folks here aren't dumb bunnies, so I figure folks here may help me flesh out the world through observations and questions.



Well, I don't think I've presented Golgotha as either (though any one who reads my posts knows I don't see Golgota as dystopian).

But, it very much is in the eye of the beholder. In-universe, for example, Unionists are taught Golgotha is utter hell: 'Living without Central Planning? Insanity! Chaos!'. Golgothans, of course, see things differently.

Anyway: there'll be a few more world-building sessions (about Golgotha, The Union, the Orthodoxy, technologies, other communities/nations) and, as always, questions and comments are welcomed.
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Re: Golgotha Mining Station

Post by Impenitent »

"What happens to Law-breakers? depends on the violation...can range from equal-value compensation to shunning to having your ass kicked royally to deportation to being introduced to hard vacuum minus a vac suit."

I was hoping for crucifixion, but I suppose that is only for the saved...

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Post by henry quirk »

Nsh, Golgothans don't have time for such prolonged, ritualistic, punishment.

Closest you'll get is the occasional ass-whuppin' meant to balance the scales.

No, an introduction to hard vac is simpler, quicker, and less bloodthirsty.

Understand: Golgothans are hard, but -- for the most part -- aren't meanspirited.
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Re: Golgotha Mining Station

Post by commonsense »

How do Golgothans make social contact while minding their own business?
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Re: Golgotha Mining Station

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Sigh...But unfortunately Henry, a very large number of people are not 'good citizens' and do not leave others alone. This is why we have evolved laws to protect ourselves from each other. I don't want to go back to the law of the jungle. You do. I don't understand why you don't just do it. Of course, you might not have the internet to play on, down in the jungle (if there are any jungles left).
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Post by henry quirk »

"How do Golgothans make social contact while minding their own business?"

The Law is mostly about people fuckin' with people.

For example: if some fella chats up some lady in the Bazaar (a large open area in Golgotha Prime where folks barter) this is normal, natural, acceptable till the lady sez 'fuck off' at which point the fella is supposed to leave it be.

If he doesn't, he invites "...or else".

I'll be postin' more material today or tomorrow.

As always: comments and questions are welcomed.


"a very large number of people are not 'good citizens' and do not leave others alone. This is why we have evolved laws to protect ourselves from each other. I don't want to go back to the law of the jungle. You do. I don't understand why you don't just do it. Of course, you might not have the internet to play on, down in the jungle (if there are any jungles left)."

As I say: Golgothans have one law, 'Mind your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else.

As for the livin' in the jungle: you already do. It's just dressed up with 'civility'.
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Post by uwot »

henry quirk wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:52 pmThe Law is mostly about people fuckin' with people.
Is there some sort of constitution, public forum or legal body that sets the rules?
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Post by henry quirk »

As I say: I'll post more matetial later, some which should address your questions, U, but here's a lil sumthin'-sumthin'...

Originally Golgotha was to be a minarchy of the night-watchman kind (what I personally favor in the here and now).

If I'd gone that route surely there'd be some kind of constitution, sumthin' extending out of 'mnd your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else'. But I discovered while researching economic systems, and fleshing out Uroboros, Golgotha isn't a minarchy but an anarchy. Much of what I assumed in terms of court, police, military for Golgothans didn't pan out and wasn't needed.

So: no, beyond the (One and Only) Law, there is no law, no constitution, no courts. What you got is a small population of (essentially) blue-collar miners and haulers and tradesfolk surounded by a variety of polities. Golgotha is self-governing in the purest sense (each 'one' responsible for himself wholly).

Makes for rough times, harsh circumstances, and guns....lots and lots of (coil) guns.

Public forum: The Bazaar I mentioned up-thread is as close to a 'town hall' as you'll get. It's the prime spot for major, public trade and it serves well as a market for ideas. However, anything from a quarter to half of the population is off-Golgotha at any particular time, so the weighing of issues is on-going, informal, more a matter of gossip and grapevine than organized debate and action.
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Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

henry quirk wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:52 pm "How do Golgothans make social contact while minding their own business?"

The Law is mostly about people fuckin' with people.

For example: if some fella chats up some lady in the Bazaar (a large open area in Golgotha Prime where folks barter) this is normal, natural, acceptable till the lady sez 'fuck off' at which point the fella is supposed to leave it be.

If he doesn't, he invites "...or else".

I'll be postin' more material today or tomorrow.

As always: comments and questions are welcomed.


"a very large number of people are not 'good citizens' and do not leave others alone. This is why we have evolved laws to protect ourselves from each other. I don't want to go back to the law of the jungle. You do. I don't understand why you don't just do it. Of course, you might not have the internet to play on, down in the jungle (if there are any jungles left)."

As I say: Golgothans have one law, 'Mind your own business, keep your hands to yourself...or else.

As for the livin' in the jungle: you already do. It's just dressed up with 'civility'.
You could do with some analysis and critical thinking classes. All that would happen is the biggest, strongest, or most cunning and manipulative would simply dominate the rest--that's what happens with humans. Or do you think in your 'individualistic' Utopia all the 'goodies' will defend the righteous and vulnerable (but how could that happen in your individualistic Utopia?), and all the 'baddies' will be run out of town? Hmm yes. That's the way it goes. Now I see it. 'Baddies' never have bigger guns or faster draws. 'Goodies' are never 'baddies' and vice versa. People are never gullible morons :roll: Your world is conveniently black and white.
Last edited by vegetariantaxidermy on Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by henry quirk »

"All that would happen is the biggest, strongest, most cunning and manipulative would simply dominate the rest"

And mebbe that's exactly how things will play out when I move past world-building to writing.



Thought I was clear: Golgotha isn't one of those.

Mebbe, Veg, before you post another lackluster criticism, you ought to read the thread.

As of now: you've contributed nuthin' I haven't already considered.

But then, that exactly 'your' point, isn't it?
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Re: Golgotha Mining Station

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

If you've considered those things then there's no sign of it. I'm not a mind reader. I think in your Utopia you would be the only human alive (but I don't think you would like that very much).
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"If you've considered those things then there's no sign of it"

Post by henry quirk »

Yeah, okay.
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Re: Golgotha Mining Station

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Same old then. Feign indifference to mask the complete absence of an argument and meaningful neurone activity.
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