What would you think of such a world?

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Plato's Rock
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by Plato's Rock »

Lacewing wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:51 am
Plato's Rock wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:01 pm Personally, I don't think that said world would be much different other than the perceived switch in gender roles.
Well, it does seem that men and women are very different, doesn't it? They have different priorities... and different things that fulfill them... and different strengths and weaknesses. So wouldn't it seem that their societies would reflect such differences too?

I'm wondering why men think that women would think and behave the same way as men... when they don't in almost every other regard?

Could it be that men don't want to feel bad for how terribly and unfairly women and girls are treated? So they justify it by saying, women would be that way too? I don't think that's true. It's not your fault... or any single man's fault, that this is where we are. But it IS fucked up... and it really needs to change. We need to evolve beyond this. We fell into some gender patterns... like a bad marriage... and it's not the best of ourselves. We're losing out on a lot.
I agree it's fucked up, but there's not a whole lot, I as an individual, can do about it. Hell, I thought everyone was treated "equally" for the most part until I got to college..., and there it didn't quite start sinking in until after college. I was ignorant, but it never meant I didn't care. Although I have to ask, how much of said differences is an "exacerbated difference"? I was basing my thoughts off of, if this was a society of Black Widows (spider, and femme fatale)...how would that change things? It may or may not, but that may have been an extremist position to judge from...
Lacewing wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:51 am
Plato's Rock wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:01 pm If you had the option of being an asshole to someone without repercussion (which is often the case), would you choose to do it?
If I thought they deserved it, yes. :) I have no desire to be an asshole to someone for no reason, though. It's not like I have all of this energy built up waiting to explode at someone. A lot of people seem to, though. They spew venom indiscriminately. I like to be more focused with mine. :)
And it starts with, "They deserve it!". You, nor I know everyone's daily circumstances, or why they act the way they do. Fact of life. Ex; I had a guy just lay into me once because I hydroplaned into an intersection causing an accident with him. He just chewed me out because of it. Was I supposed to get back at him because he "deserved it", or did I? This was after, and more than likely the same month in which I had narrowly avoided a campus shooting by leaving campus an hour before hand. Said shooter, shot up her professional colleagues because she thought "they deserved it". She was a little bit unhinged, if not a lot..., but that seems to be bred in our culture. Can't really vent those negative emotions that often.
Lacewing wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:51 am
Plato's Rock wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:01 pm For instance, one of the odder fantasies I used to entertain while growing up was...what would it be like to be a male "Stag/Stud"? That I would've been essentially mounted to a "rack", and used solely for reproductive means....
As a man, or a beast, or half of each? That's erotic! (That's actually an idea for one of my books I want to write.) See... that's a male Heaven. A woman wouldn't want that... although she might like to visit the male Heaven.
It depends upon the details now doesn't it? :twisted: I figure if I were to espouse more detail, I think it used to be more of a "submissive fantasy". Instead of "erotic male heaven". The idea of screwing countless virgins doesn't appeal to me whatsoever...if I really wanted/needed to get off I have "rosey palms", and "jesse fingers" for my amusement. And I generally identify as more of a Romantic, and my prudish "American ways" is making me nervous even mentioning this stuff. Not sure why, especially on the internet of all things...
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by Lacewing »

Plato's Rock wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:29 am I agree it's fucked up, but there's not a whole lot, I as an individual, can do about it.
Perhaps the best we can do is evolve ourselves first. Such as, expanding beyond the stories we're told, choosing clarity over ego, and choosing honor over power. If we can do that individually, then maybe it will continue catching on more and more. :)
Plato's Rock wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:29 am And it starts with, "They deserve it!". You, nor I know everyone's daily circumstances, or why they act the way they do.
I was just playing along with your "being an asshole" question. I don't normally think in those terms. I think more in terms of poking "deserving people" with a sword. Everyone plays roles regardless of circumstances... and by bouncing things off of each other, we collectively (I think) learn and expand. There's nothing wrong with recognizing or thinking that someone deserves a sharp kick in the butt. If it's valid, maybe it will be helpful... and if it's not, maybe the kicker will learn something. To be clear, I was not saying to go around and do it indiscriminately. We help fine-tune each other... and sometimes people act out in extreme ways as if BEGGING for someone to set them straight or rein them in. It might be cruel and destructive NOT to respond! If we see absurdity and insanity, we should speak up. Maybe the response/interaction also (no matter how sharp/harsh) translates into someone caring about them.
Plato's Rock wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:01 pm I generally identify as more of a Romantic, and my prudish "American ways" is making me nervous even mentioning this stuff.
Enjoyed your courage! Thank you.
Plato's Rock
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by Plato's Rock »

Lacewing wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:24 am
Plato's Rock wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:29 am I agree it's fucked up, but there's not a whole lot, I as an individual, can do about it.
Perhaps the best we can do is evolve ourselves first. Such as, expanding beyond the stories we're told, choosing clarity over ego, and choosing honor over power. If we can do that individually, then maybe it will continue catching on more and more. :)
Plato's Rock wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:29 am And it starts with, "They deserve it!". You, nor I know everyone's daily circumstances, or why they act the way they do.
I was just playing along with your "being an asshole" question. I don't normally think in those terms. I think more in terms of poking "deserving people" with a sword. Everyone plays roles regardless of circumstances... and by bouncing things off of each other, we collectively (I think) learn and expand. There's nothing wrong with recognizing or thinking that someone deserves a sharp kick in the butt. If it's valid, maybe it will be helpful... and if it's not, maybe the kicker will learn something. To be clear, I was not saying to go around and do it indiscriminately. We help fine-tune each other... and sometimes people act out in extreme ways as if BEGGING for someone to set them straight or rein them in. It might be cruel and destructive NOT to respond! If we see absurdity and insanity, we should speak up. Maybe the response/interaction also (no matter how sharp/harsh) translates into someone caring about them.
Plato's Rock wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:01 pm I generally identify as more of a Romantic, and my prudish "American ways" is making me nervous even mentioning this stuff.
Enjoyed your courage! Thank you.
Agreed, a person has to embody the change they wish to see in the world. Mainly because what is obviously true to us, as individuals, may not be to another. This ties in with fine-tuning each other. I will admit that I'm somewhat pleased with this turn of conversation because the last one in this theme I had. Devolved into me being called a rapist...from a pair of friends that I had known throughout college (at least 3 years of friendship). Admittedly, I realize now my "cold/rational" stance probably worked against me being that at least one of them was a rape survivor, and in my opinion, that I'm only voicing here, wasn't quite over the victimhood of it yet.
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

Lacewing wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:05 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:47 pm Because men under such circumstance self-destruct in order to destroy the society around them. Women are incapable of true self-destruction. When a man experiences an environment that is not balanced in nature, he takes that creative impulse and transmutes it into death and destruction. Women on the otherhand, as nurturers, simply are just neutralized and neither exist nor do not exist.

If you are asking what a man would feel in regards to all of this? Just take a look at a burning city with everyone running around screaming in despair. Women complain about things they do not like, men simply just destroy everything including themselves.
Ah!! Very interesting! So... women's and men's heavens and hells are different, yes?
Are they? They may appear different, but they are rooted in the same thing, as it appears to me that hell is merely pure unfulfilled desire embodied at its peak as an absence of love. Hell is absence and void as darkness with a perpetual flame burning one inside and out. It is a complete absence of reason/structure, an absence of God...one could argue.
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by GreatandWiseTrixie »

Lacewing wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:16 pm Imagine a world in which men are subjugated by women for thousands of years. God would be defined as female, making females in her own image, and casting males as inferior -– and there would be a big storybook passed down through generations to prove it. In that world, women would commonly abuse men and boys at all ages... in their own families, in their workplaces, in schools, in public, in private, in churches... everywhere. Males would be routinely bought and sold and handled and spoken to as if they were little more than objects to be used by the females. In society, males would not be given the same rights or recognition or value as females. If the males asked for truth or justice, they would be punished – OR – their claims would be treated as highly suspect and inconvenient, and the females would either dismiss it entirely or try to steal away sympathy for themselves by saying “I made a mistake”, or by claiming themselves to be a victim of a smear campaign. All the while, a large majority of females would be so obsessed and intoxicated with their own pleasure and power and importance that they would consider their desires justified or excused, even if that resulted in ongoing abuse of others, neglect of their own character and relationships and planet, and evils and distortions committed in the name of, or despite, their god.

What would you think of such a world? :lol:
It would be about the same world as the world we have today, :lol:.

Men are usually the subs of the family, obedient to the wife, most men are cucks that the wife cheats on then files a divorce, then man has to pay alimony the rest of his life while his wife is fucking some dude. most men know to obey the female of the houeshold. my dad does.
a man has no worth to a woman if he has no money. if he is not rich, she will stay with him, until he makes a couple of mistakes, then she will find some man even richer than him because she knows she can do better.
do you know i asked my mother what was most attracted her to my dad? She said the fact he was a hard worker. Yep, you guessed it. Trixie was right all along,just like 90% of the time.

now in the bible the jews genocide all the other races, but it was a thing to spare the women and children. so when god told the jews to slaughter the women and children, the king was like, wtf god, thats not cool to slaughter women and children.
so if you're born male, and are a child, thats fine, but if you turn into an adult man then you are viewed actual garbage. that is, unless your rich or famous, and then women will flock to you like flies on butter.
and men oppress other men, by forcing them to do sports and be violent, and bullying males who arent macho violent assholes like they are. and then the women date the violent brutes and reject you, like a rerun of animal planet watching a herd of bison and gorrillas and baboons fuck each other. yeah being a male is sooo great.

Also, you can't call me a mysognist, because i hate men as much as I hate women, when I see men on TV i loathe them for perpetuating this bullshit society. I hate both hypermasculine and effete men, the only effete men I look up to is the Joker, James from Team Rocket, Marylyn Manson and Bruce Jenner. Back in my generation we had rock music, now we have these teenage boys that look like dykes going on stage dressed like squares and singing boring music, some of it even has ear-raping autotune added to it too. Thats the world I get, a bunch of square millineal micropenises running society.

now there are exceptions to what i said earlier about men being subs.
for example, the man above me yells and beats his wife, even though i am a more alpha than he is and could easily break him in half i have to resist the urge of breaking a bottle in his face and going to jail. but its what she wants, woman would want to date some weak abusive wife beater and not me, its what they want apparently. its just what it is in the this shit joke of a world. i call it hell.
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by Arising_uk »

I call it America.
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Re: What would you think of such a world?

Post by attofishpi »

Arising_uk wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:33 pm I call it America.
The land of hate.
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