The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by surreptitious57 »

ken wrote:
What is happening right now IS NOT reality
Why is what is happening right now not reality. How would you describe it instead
And so when or where is reality actually happening if it is not happening right now
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by Dontaskme »

ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 am
If you are trying to dispute what I said about how ken from birth was being prepared to be truly Honest, Open, and Wanting to change for the better so that ken would be able to listen to and thus find and discover what reality is and the Truth by them self, then I did NOT say ken came to life that way. I said, ken was being prepared to be that way. That preparation took some decades AFTER before ken's birth [ken's coming to life]. Their is a huge difference that I hope you have noticed.

However, if that is not what you were disputing/talking about, then what you said here could be in contradiction to what you have said previously about life just being 'what it is'. If Life IS 'what it is', then, in that sense, every one comes to life already prepared to know exactly how to act and be. They could NOT be any different. If, however, how one changes to act or be can and is obviously influenced by what they experience along the way. So, every body comes to life already prepared, genetically, to 'KNOW' exactly how to act and be. For example every body KNOWS to breath and to cry [be heard] in order to obtain the nutrients that they need to keep acting and being. They ALL do this instinctively, from an instinctively KNOWING.
Living organisms KNOW how to live, what to do in order to function. People DO NOT know, because people only exist as an idea. Ideas are already part of the functioning that is this immediate knowing. The idea that there are ''people'' is an anthropomorphic addendum, they have no reality other than being an idea known by the only knowing there is. This immediate unknown KNOWING...ONE WITHOUT A SECOND.
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by Dontaskme »

ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 am What is happening right now IS NOT reality. It may be really happening but it is NOT reality. A discussion you might like to have with Me, so that the Truth can be revealed? Remembering that the Truth IS what 'we', all things, agree with.
''we'' and ''me'' implies separation, ''separate things'' have no existence, so any attempt by ''thing's'' that do not exist to agree upon would be virtually impossible since that which does not exist cannot agree on anything.

''In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king'' the truth is silent, not something to be discussed. Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers.

Truth cannot be uttered.


Never the twain shall's a sticky tricky little mickey.



We do not have to sit around waiting for each other to make that agreement. It's what we are right now.

As long as there is the belief in separation the gap is impossible to close.

The gap is already closed.

A mind wanting to take a peek up it's own skirt, will not see anything up there except it's own BS ass.

The mind has to stay in total abeyance for truth to shine.

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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by Dontaskme »

ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amThe preparation WAS done, prior to the coming to life, by the ones that made that one come to life. The creating of the new one, which comes to life, IS the preparing. Within EVERY one there is a Thing already in there, creating Life, which is what IS actually driving the way that that one acts and bes. This Life is also the KNOWING. So, every one DOES come to life already prepared to KNOW exactly how to act or be, right?

Again, how this act/ing and be/ing changes throughout one's life, is another matter, related directly to the experiences along the way.

This immediate not a ''thing'' KNOWN.

It is the KNOWN that is not a ''thing''.

No one knows this.
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by Dontaskme »

ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amWhy are you here telling us things like this? What is it that you want us to do with this knowledge? What is it that you want and/or are trying to achieve?

Why are you here telling us things like this? What is it that you want us to do with this knowledge? What is it that you want and/or are trying to achieve?

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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by Dontaskme »

In terms of the ALL, nothing is known about that, the ALL is not an event.
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amIs that the absolute Truth?

Or is that your perspective?
It's a perspective arising in absolute truth.

From the perspective of one person, their life is unfolding according to their particular assigned experience and world view that they are meant to have for their evolution, and where ever they are, they cannot be anywhere other than that place, only that place is right for them.
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amYes true, and also very obvious.
And while the perspective of one player is playing, no other perspective is happening.
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amBut from ken's perspective, which is "playing", there are MANY other perspectives happening. There are in fact as many perspectives as there are one's "playing".
No, Ken cannot know that...Consciousness from the perspective of Ken, there is only Kens perspective playing. Ken has no idea what is happening from the perspective of another. Right now, here, only the perspective of Ken is known. It is not Ken that knows, it is the One Consciousness Knowing from the perspective of Ken as and through that particular bodymind mechanism. Bodymind mechanisms don't know anything, it's a machine.
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amTo Me, all these different perspectives are obviously happening, and that is one reason WHY I say the parts in ALL of those different perspectives which are the EXACT SAME IS what IS true and right in Life.
Everything is happening simultaneously yes, known only to Consciousness one perspective at a time. And, not all perspectives are going to be the same. What is the same is the Consciousness that KNOWS ALL PERSPECTIVES as and when they arise in Consciousness.

While the Consciousness that is the perspective of Ken is playing, no other perspective can be known to be happening, for Kens perspective is just one perspective within the same One Consciousness as all other perspectives. For Ken to say that he knows there are other perspectives happening is to say Consciousness can get outside of itself into the perspectives of other Consciousnesses. This is impossible. There is nothing outside of Consciousness. Ironically, there is nothing inside of Consciousness either but the contents of Consciousness itself.

Spacetime duality is the place of cause and effect, it's the place of the mind, it is the place that stops all things from happening at once. Here, nothing can be known about the ALL that is simultaneously happening. Here the ALL it's divided up by separate minds/IDEAS unique to each IDEAS as a separate event. That is why HERE NOW IS called the event horizon that cannot be crossed into ABSOLUTE KNOWING....because you already ARE IT

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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by Dontaskme »

ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amAND, sharing, and then discovering what it IS in agreement IS what helps in bringing about peace and harmony for ALL.
Sharing, and agreeing to agree, or wanting and desire for reality to be a particular way, is always mind activity, it is a movement within the perfect brilliant stillness that is always here now ever shinning ever present.....Mind activity is always counter productive and is not how one reaches the place of peace and harmony. THE ALL is already that..but no one lives there.

Where does one live then? ..answer, in the mind.

The ALL is already this immediate silent knowing, which has no need or desire to be any different, it always looks on in complete detachment. Identification with what is happening is the suffering.

This KNOWING is already at peace and in harmony and is unaffected by mind activity being only and ever the waves rippling upon the still deep waters of Absolute Knowing Awareness. The deep takes no notice, nothing can disturb the deep...metaphorically speaking.

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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
ken wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:42 am And again I will reiterate and say, from My perspective you really have a hatred of this ONLY ONE WAY.
And you're saying this despite the fact that I've told you clearly that I do not have a hatred.
YES, because I am still allowed to express what I perceive. Even if it may be totally wrong.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am So, you're rejecting what I've told you, even though you assured me that all I had to do was tell you the truth --
I did NOT reject what you have told Me, previously. I just gave My perspective of things, now.

Also, how you feel of a particular thing at a point does NOT mean that that feeling of that thing remains forever the same.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amand you're repeating what you believe regardless of other information supplied to you.
I do NOT believe any thing here, to repeat. I just gave My perspective, that is all.

It obviously could be wrong.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am So what is the point, Ken, of me (or anyone) answering your questions?
So, that I can better understand things, including whereabouts you are coming from.

Remember how you feel at one time is not necessarily how you feel at another time. So, understanding how another is truly feeling can be a never-ending task.

Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am You seem to get exasperated at having to repeat yourself to people, and yet look at your own behavior that requires people to repeat themselves to you.
You were NOT required to repeat to yourself to my perception, which obviously could be wrong anyway. You chose to.

For example, your perception here could be totally wrong, but I certainly do NOT feel required to clear that up. What seems to you to be the case I totally accept that that is the perception you have, and I can either use that to help make My writings more clearer or not, or clear up why you are seeing that. How i seem to be is of no real concern, however, if you were to try and insist that that was how i was being, then I would inject.

I could also say you seem to get exasperated when you repeatedly discuss with Me about there NOT being ONLY ONE WAY. Although, I have repeatedly explained that I do NOT see that there is ONLY ONE WAY. You seem to reject this, and just keep repeating the same thing, showing some sort of dislike and/or frustration you have obtained when you think people are saying there is ONLY ONE WAY. Whatever you have for whenever people say this, or when you think people are saying this, has obviously come from your religious past experiences.

Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amYou're rejecting that which you've asked for, while you continually claim that you are open to the answer.
I would never reject what a person perceives or sees, but I reject what I KNOW to be false and untrue.

Also, being open to an answer does NOT mean instantly accepting it as being absolutely true.

If I have rejected that which I supposedly asked for, I can not recall, so if you want us to know this is a fact, then just show that where I have actually done this. I will then be the first to admit that I have done this, and I will apologize.

Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
ken wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:42 am
Lacewing wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:24 pm What you see as the ONLY WAY, is not what someone else sees as the ONLY WAY --
> I have NEVER alluded to, let alone said, there is only ONE way
> I only KNOW of one way, but that in of itself does NOT mean there is ONLY one way.
> there can be as many ways as there are people
> IF there is a way that EVERYONE agrees with, then that is ONE WAY. But, even then, that does NOT mean there is ONLY one way.
> THE WAY that every person agrees with to reach and obtain the True and Right knowledge that will make life better for ALL people IS ONE way that is seen to be the BEST WAY.
> I can ONLY share the one and ONLY way I see and know of.
Are you unable to see how convoluted this collection of statements is?
Obviously what appears to be convoluted to one is not necessarily convoluted at all to another. And, what is far more obvious is the fact that usually what might appear to be convoluted to a reader/hearer IS NOT convoluted at all to the writer/talker. What is clear as crystal to Me is obviously as clear as mud to you.

What I do when some thing is not that clear to Me is ask for clarification, with specific clarifying questions in regards to what I want specifically cleared up.

Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am How do you really expect anyone to know what the fuck you're talking about?
By asking fucking clarifying questions. Obviously if you do NOT understand some thing, and, you REALLY did want to understand it, then you would do ALL you can to understand it. Very simple really.

Surely you do not need to be told how to learn, understand, and KNOW some thing, do you? If you really want to learn, understand and thus KNOW some thing, then you would have worked out how to do that all by your very own self.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
I have NEVER rejected what you say in favor of my own perspective.
Look at the first few sentences of this post.
Obviously I already have looked at them. If there is some thing that you are unclear of and want CLARITY on, then hopefully you KNOW what to do by NOW.

Then, if you want to dispute THAT clarification, when it is finally sought, then you could challenge Me on it.

But until then, you have not asked for clarification nor have you challenged Me.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
ken wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:42 am
Lacewing wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:24 pmMany perspectives (including mine) do not believe that there is a "true and right way".
If a human being believes, or does not believe, (in) some thing, then they are NOT open to the truth and will only see what it is that they want to see.
So, not believing in something means I am closed to the truth?
Yes. If what you are believe in, is NOT the truth, then you are obviously closed to the truth.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
You may believe that there is not a "true and right way", so be it. You can believe whatever you like.
Notice, Mr. Finicky-wordsmith how you just changed what I said from "do not believe" to "believe".
Yes, I changed to that way on purpose.

If you do not believe that there is a "true and right way", then what do you believe?

Do you believe that there is not a "true and right way"?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am So now I'm believing something, rather than not believing something.
That depends on you being totally open and honest with us.

Do you believe that there is not a "true and right way"?

By the way did you notice that I NEVER did actually say that you did believe (in) some thing?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
But just be forewarned, whatever you believe does NOT help you to find, discover and see the Truth.
And I'm guessing this is why you changed my words -- so that you can lecture me about what I "believe" in.
You guessed absolutely wrong. I changed your words to highlight the power of making assumptions, and how this can lead to wrong conclusions. And, as you have just nicely shown here for us it worked.

I, if you have not yet noticed, also use my own assumptions, which I try not to make but occasionally also do make assumptions, to show WHERE I make them, HOW they are wrong, and thus WHY it is important to NOT have any assumptions if i also want to remain completely OPEN. Thanks to others I NEED to be shown these, because i inevitably are unaware or miss them too.

By the way, call it what you like, but I do not want to lecture but instead I have been suggesting to ALL human beings, not just you, that to learn any thing new or more, including the Truth of things, it is far better to remain completely OPEN, and that to become and remain truly OPEN means to neither believe or disbelieve (in) any thing. Also, obvious is to NOT make any assumptions if you want to discover and/or learn the Truth.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
IF EVERY one is in agreement on one way being a true and right way, then that IS a 'true and right way'. This is obviously the case because there would be NO one saying that is it not a 'true and right way'. If EVERY one is in agreement, then there is obviously NO one disagreeing.
So you're just making meaningless statements that support themselves?
HOW and WHY is it supposedly meaningless?

If it is true and supports itself, then it is true. If it is not true, then it is not true.

If it is true, and supports itself, and thus could be agreed with by every one, then it is thee Truth, and therefore somewhat very meaningful, although also very obvious indeed. And, will NOT then to be shown again.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
My ONLY perspective HERE IS what EVERY one agrees with anyway.
Why would everyone ever agree? That seems so limited.
Just maybe because it is what helps in living in peace and harmony together.

And, let Me know if I have this wrong, but are you thinking that 'everyone agreeing' is about trying to get others to agree to a particular point of view?

If so, then that IS so limited.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am Just because they may have AT ONE TIME felt one way or another (such as what you say: live in peace and harmony with everyone), does not mean that is what they must return to or strive for.
Of course no one must return to or strive for. In fact the exact opposite is true. It is not about gaining for what one's own self wants. This is about gaining for what ALL young children want, before they adulterated, harmed and damaged. After all the fact is each adult one will be dead soon enough, and if they really do have a true desire to give the best for their children, then they will do for their children, and not for them self only.

Also, the very last thing is about 'striving' for any thing. 'Striving' implies making great efforts, or to fight or struggle vigorously for, which is the exact opposite of HOW coming together in peace and harmony as One happens. No real effort is needed for peace, and there is certainly no thing to fight or struggle for in finding peace and harmony with others. In fact it will all happen so quickly, simply and easily, that half of the enjoyment is in that only a tiny percentage of the effort to live the way that most adults are now is needed. Just living, without effort nor striving to like people do nowadays, brings with it a great sense of final relaxation.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
What is it exactly that you are wanting to show Me or others here?
That you/I/we don't know.
You can speak for lacewing only. But please do NOT try to speak for Me. You will inevitably get it wrong.

It is very easy to say you do not know, which I will totally agree with. But if that is all you have to say, then so be it.

I am the One saying that I do KNOW. I say this purposely waiting for clarifying questions and/or challenging on that.

If you, or others, do NOT accept it, then that is fine also. But just saying that you, and others, do NOT know does not prove any thing at all.

In fact, the contradiction in saying that you do NOT know, but expecting others to also accept that that somehow will transfer on to them and wanting them to believe that that is the Truth for them also, IS blindingly obvious.

Contradictions do NOT work in trying to explain some thing. Unless of course you can explain WHY the contradiction appears.

When you say, "you/I/we" do not know, what are you actually referring to that you/I/we supposedly do not know about?

Also, and I have said this numerous times already, just because you have NOT discovered or learned some thing yet, and thus do NOT know some thing, then does NOT mean that others can NOT find, learn and know that thing also. If you stopped trying to put your own perspective of things, as being the ONE and ONLY WAY, then you would be able to notice and see what the actual truth IS.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amThere are countless perspectives and ideas that people dance with, yet we're all of the same stuff.

Also, what does "we are all of the same stuff" actually mean?

What is the actual "stuff" that we are supposedly all of?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amSo why is that? Maybe because it's perfect like that...
And I have been saying all along that IT IS ALL perfect.

What is part of THIS perfection is; people discovering NEW things along the way, and then sharing that NEW knowledge with others. Part of the perfection might just be one person discovering HOW a truly peaceful life for every one is really possible, and in fact a truly peaceful life is really simple to create too, but for that one to be able to be able to express that NEW knowledge in a truly understandable way, they need to learn how to express them self and that idea much better then they can now. Have you ever thought about that that might just be one of the countless perspectives in THIS PERFECTION?

Or, do you see that if ANOTHER idea does NOT fit in with your perspective perfectly, then it possibly could NOT be a part of the ONLY ONE WAY of PERFECTION, which you see and look at?

Have you ever thought about that what IS actually taking place here in this forum, where you, and ALL the other people here, are in fact helping Me to be able to better express WHO I really AM, and the idea of HOW to create peace on earth as it is meant to be in heaven, is just a part of PERFECTION? Or, is what IS really happening HERE and NOW NOT part of that PERFECTION, which you see and look at?

Could your continual decision to completely dismissively NOT SEE that I am NOT saying what you THINK it is that I am saying IS actually helping Me to become better? Could what you are saying and doing here actually be a part of, and one of the main players by the way, in the creation of inevitable peace on earth? That is if that is PART of PERFECTION and so does eventuate?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am endless creativity and exploration... and there are no ultimate answers or destination.
So, are you trying to now say that the ultimate answer IS that there are no ultimate answers or destination?

Do you want ALL people to agree to 'your' "ultimate answer here?

By the way what do you think with endless creativity and exploration could occur?

Have you explored into that?

Could an endless peaceful Life come into existence and then remain?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am There is nothing to "know" except that which we make-up.
If that is what you believe, then so be it.

Did you make up the planet earth, and the internet, and the way that thoughts can be shared and grown/matured upon?

Could there be some things to KNOW that are not just made up by human beings?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
to be able to create some thing, then I would say there has to be some kind of knowing of how to create it to be able to actually do it.
I'm surprised you would say this. Because I thought you would agree that there is a level of being that can create spontaneously without thinking/knowledge. It's just instant creation of a very organic, innately symbiotic kind. Like-energy creating like-energy.
That IS already happening. The Universe, being ALL-THERE-IS, IS Creating Its Self, HERE and NOW. Always has been and always will BE.

But I should have been much more clear in that for a human being to be able to create some thing, then .... [what I said].

I was talking about human beings in that instance. Sorry for the confusion.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
Hopefully it is realized that I am NOT writing from a human being perspective most of the time.
Doesn't mean you have clarity. :) Surely there's all sorts of convolution on all sorts of levels.
Yes and even more so when trying to do this for the first time the way that I am doing it here.

I am positive there is a lot of convolution when reading what I write. But I guarantee I can clear it all up with clarity. But if I am NOT asked questions for clarity, then I would be forever just assuming what others do NOT know. I do NOT like to assume. I much prefer to be asked clarifying questions and/or to be challenged about what it is that I say and write.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
My perspective, the pure One's perspective, IS not just from ALL people but from ALL things, so obviously My perspective involves ALL people.
Yeh, whatever. We are all of the same stuff and reflect it in all sorts of ways. It's all the same.
If we were ALL the EXACT same as you are trying to imply here, then there would NOT be as many differing perspectives with different ways to express those different perspectives as there obviously IS.

When 'what it is' that is in total agreement, then My perspective will be KNOWN by all the different people.

Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
If you knew ken in person, there is NO ego at all. The ONLY ego that is "slipping in" here is the One that is worthy of and deserving of Self-centred IS the One that wants to and does for ALL things. That is WHO I really and truly AM anyway.
So, Ken the human has NO ego... but "the One" does? How does that work?
Ken has no ego, at all, in the sense that ken will be dead very soon anyway, so there is no thing that ken wants or is doing for itself. The Ego, that is within ken, which IS the same One that is in every thing is as I have explained is there. So, although ken might NOT be egotistical at all, the One within IS the Ego, Itself. Because this One IS EVERY thing, and therefore when It wants and does for Its Self, then It is wanting and doing for ALL THINGS equally. It is has the right to be and, in this sense, IS the Egotistical One.

Does that at all clear up how the One does not have an Ego but IS the actual Ego, within every one?

People confuse and transfer this Ego, that wants and does for Its Self, for the human person itself.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
ken wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:42 am
Lacewing wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:24 pmJust curious... what do you think of this idea: Ego is what makes us intent on things.
I seriously want to ask for clarification about your use of the word 'intent' here
I mean intent in the sense of: firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind. It seems to me that ego drives that. You seem intent... and that seems to reflect ego. But you say Ken has NO ego at all.
That firmly or steadfastly fixed sense of the word 'intent' works perfectly.

That intent, coming through ken, is a reflection of the Ego. The One who intents to create peace for ALL.

As I was explaining before ken has NO ego at all, in the sense, that nothing is gained for ken over any one else from this. In fact what I intend to create is for ALL, equally. No one has to know who 'ken' is, and ken certainly does not want any one to know who ken is also. If that happens, then that will partly deflect away from the outcome. The outcome is the only important thing here.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am
Just the inner drive, in ALL living things, to keep living and surviving, IS that Ego, 'intent' on driving us ALL. It KNOWS what IS, who we think we ARE and who we really ARE, and It also KNOWS what SHOULD BE also. In fact, this Ego, IS so full of Life and Energy that It is intent on making ALL things keep reproducing until an intelligent enough species evolves into existence so the Ego, Itself, can become truly KNOWN for what It truly Is.
This (in bold) sounds made-up.
Was it not just you who asserted, "There is nothing to "know" except that which we make-up."

Obviously what I say sounds "made-up", to some people, from two perspectives; one perspective is it just sounds so unbelievable so it would appear to be just "made-up". The other perspective is if every thing we say is "made-up", as some believe it is, then it would have to be "made-up" just like every thing else is.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amCan't ego deceive itself and be blind...
The Ego, that I am talking about, is so strong and intent, within ALL people, that some people actually believe that every thing revolves around them. These people are unable to see that they are NOT the centre of the Universe, nor to even be able to contemplate that in the scheme of things that they are nothing. They have deceived, themselves. However, in saying that, because ALL people are as important as each other in order to be able to discover and learn the Truth of all things, this importance is some times misplaced into people, themselves, where in turn that they think that they more important than others are. The way things are, at any given point, IS naturally the way things are meant to be, which obviously has to include ALL people also, including some better known names that are absolutely detested and hated by some. Only the good can be known from the bad, the right from the false, and the correct from the incorrect. So, ALL things are needed.

But this is NOT the Ego deceiving itself and being blind to the Truth of things, including Who Its real Self IS. The Ego can NOT deceive Itself and be blind because absolutely EVERY thing has to be in agreement for the Truth to be SEEN and KNOWN. The Ego therefore KNOWS what IS true and right.

Only human beings deceive themselves and are blinded to what IS true and right. Usually just by pre-believing (in) things to be true BEFORE the actual Truth is discovered and KNOWN. Judging others, as being less than or worse than, one's self or another also leads people to deceiving them self and being blind to what IS actually true.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amtherefore not KNOWING, as you claim?
When did I claim that the One does not KNOW?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 amWhy does the ego (or anything) need to become truly known for what it truly is?
It does not need to, but it is a wanting to. This intent to be recognized, accepted and known for WHO we really are is seen, felt, and known within ALL human beings, more so in human babies BEFORE they are deceived by older ones, and in turn, start deceiving themselves and others in the process.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am This sounds religious.
This might "sound" religious to you because of your past experiences, you will see and perceive things the way that you do. THIS is certainly NOT religious in how it might appear to sound to you. NEVER has been and NEVER will be.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am If it's all here right now, playing out, just as it is... why is anything else needed?
As I have suggested many times already. No thing else is needed, in the sense that you perceive that I am writing from. Of course there is a WANTING. But there certainly is NO thing else needed. If there was NO WANT nor DESIRE to be alive, be recognized, and be accepted for WHO I really AM. Then, just like you, we both would NOT be HERE trying express thee Self.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:58 am Why is it not ALREADY perfect? Who and what is making it NOT perfect?
I have already said many times that it IS ALREADY perfect, just the 'way it is', in the sense that what has happened, and IS happening IS what is needed in order for human beings to learn and understand how to make life much better for themselves.

Who ever said it was NOT perfect?

Do you perceive Life is NOT perfect?

'Perfect', to Me, IS about becoming better. Life is NOT fixed and IS constantly changing, therefore It can change for the better or for the worse. Obviously one would be more better than the other.

If Life, for lacewing, can NOT become better, then that is great. But highly unlikely.

Is the 'abuse of children' already perfect to lacewing?
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 am
PauloL wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:04 am
Dontaskme wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:15 pm Can a lamb ever lie down with a lion?
Why not? Even cats and mice. Look at these pictures:
Humans are just like any other wild creature roaming around this wild animal park we call earth ..
There is NO difference at all between human beings and all the other animals?

I see human beings as having the ability to learn, understand, and reason, absolutely any thing and EVERY thing, whereas, other animals do NOT have this ability.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amthey are only interested in one thing and one thing only, what's in it for me, and what am I prepared to do to get.
NOT all human beings are like that at all. Some of them actually KNOW that they do NOT exist forever, so they are NOT interested at all in having the 'what is in it for me' attitude. They are far more interested in making life better for ALL people, and therefore are not seeking at all to get things only for this one self.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amIt's the oldest survival instinct in town.
The oldest survival instinct is to get what is actually needed. NOT to get what is just wanted. Two very distinct differences here. Human beings have learned to try to justify getting what one wants as being what one needs. This is another difference between human beings and all the other wild animals.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amUnderneath every mask lies it's opposite face.
So, underneath the mask that you are exposing now lies the opposite face also, right?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amMy cats are the most adorable cutest little kitties in the world, loving and caring and funny... but will strike their dagger like claws deep into my skin at any moment without any care or consideration for my welfare whatsoever. Humans are no different.
If you can not see the difference between human beings and "your" cats, then you are NOT looking closely and/or correctly enough.
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amTrust God by all means, but never forget to tether your horse.
Who and/or what is this God you suggest human beings should trust by all means?

What do you want people to tether "their" horse to exactly?
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amThe beast within wants a piece of this jungle too. Fact.
Just because dontaskme is out for that one ONLY, does NOT mean ALL others are also.

Some do care for and want for others equally.

In fact, the One within wants peace in this jungle for ALL, equally

Dontaskme wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 amThere's just no such reality as lets all play nicely together in the wendy house.

This brings us back to what 'reality' actually IS. Just let Me know when you want to have a discussion about 'reality'?
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:17 am
ken wrote:
What is happening right now IS NOT reality
Why is what is happening right now not reality. How would you describe it instead
What is happening right now IS really happening but what is really happening right now is NOT reality because 'reality' relates to what is really wanted or desired, NOT what is really happening.

How I would describe 'what is happening right now' is as 'what is happening right now'. And, 'what is happening right now' IS what is really happening, but to Me it is NOT reality.

Reality can be seen by some as what IS really happening right now or the 'real world', but that would mean that this world with 'child abuse', distorted thinking, corruption, pollution, greed, hatred, fighting, wars, et cetera is also the real world. There is no use making a better "world" or a "world" that we ALL would much prefer live in because the 'real world', implies that there could NOT be change.

A perception of 'reality' gained from what is really happening does NOT mean that IS 'reality', itself. Just like the people who lived in the "world" that saw that the earth was flat and/or that the sun revolved around the earth, also saw that was "really happening" and also saw that they were also living in the 'real world', just like most people of today also see that they are living in the 'real world' and in "reality". We nowadays obviously know that this previous "world" was NOT reality nor NOT of the 'real world'. People's of future times will also be able to see as distorted thinking what most people nowadays see as reality and/or the real world.

'Reality', IS the "world" that we ALL REALLY want to live, NOT necessarily the "world" that is really happening, at any particular given time. We would ALL would much prefer to live in a "world" that was continually becoming better, so to Me that IS 'reality'. 'Reality' is the type of "world" that we ALL really want and desire to live in.

This war-torn, polluted, greedy "world" that we are living in now IS just what IS REALLY happening. And, NOT REALITY.

surreptitious57 wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:17 amAnd so when or where is reality actually happening if it is not happening right now
When we are ALL living HOW we REALLY want to be living, that is when REALITY IS actually happening.
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:12 am
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 am
If you are trying to dispute what I said about how ken from birth was being prepared to be truly Honest, Open, and Wanting to change for the better so that ken would be able to listen to and thus find and discover what reality is and the Truth by them self, then I did NOT say ken came to life that way. I said, ken was being prepared to be that way. That preparation took some decades AFTER before ken's birth [ken's coming to life]. Their is a huge difference that I hope you have noticed.

However, if that is not what you were disputing/talking about, then what you said here could be in contradiction to what you have said previously about life just being 'what it is'. If Life IS 'what it is', then, in that sense, every one comes to life already prepared to know exactly how to act and be. They could NOT be any different. If, however, how one changes to act or be can and is obviously influenced by what they experience along the way. So, every body comes to life already prepared, genetically, to 'KNOW' exactly how to act and be. For example every body KNOWS to breath and to cry [be heard] in order to obtain the nutrients that they need to keep acting and being. They ALL do this instinctively, from an instinctively KNOWING.
Living organisms KNOW how to live, what to do in order to function.
True. And, that is WHY I wrote every body comes to life already prepared, genetically, to KNOW exactly how to act and be.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:12 amPeople DO NOT know, because people only exist as an idea.
To WHO or WHAT is this one who has the idea that people only exist as an idea?

Obviously it could NOT be a person because to 'dontaskme', whatever that may be also, people do NOT really exist.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:12 am Ideas are already part of the functioning that is this immediate knowing. The idea that there are ''people'' is an anthropomorphic addendum, they have no reality other than being an idea known by the only knowing there is. This immediate unknown KNOWING...ONE WITHOUT A SECOND.
While you continue to insist the the immediate KNOWING is unknown, but you continue to resist providing any evidence that this is actually the case, does NOT help the one labeled 'dontaskme', whatever that 'dontaskme' may actually be, because according to dontaskme, 'dontaskme' is NOT even a person. To dontaskme people do NOT even exist.

How can some thing place an anthropomorphic addendum, onto some thing else, if it does NOT actually exist in any thing other than an idea?

In other words how can some thing that does NOT even really exist, produce or place an anthropomorphic addendum?

Can you see the contradiction here?

If so, please explain HOW and WHY the contradiction exists.

What you appear to be saying here is that some KNOWING thing, which is ultimately unknown (and another contradiction in of itself but off the point), has some ideas of people, but people do not really exist and only do in ideas, but the idea of people is only a human characteristic added onto the thing that does not even exist and is only an idea, of some thing does not really exist. Is this somewhat what dontaskme is saying here?

If it is, then the KNOWING thing, which is also supposedly unknown, must be somewhat human if it is supposedly anthropomorphism or adding human characteristics onto only the idea of a thing, which does NOT even exist anyway?

Could this be somewhat what you are trying to describe here?

Anyway, besides the seemingly inexplicable idea that dontaskme brought here that people do not exist, 'ken' the labeled person, like ALL other people learn things along the journey about how to live, and what to do in order to function AND conform to societal pre-scribed ways, which are NOT necessarily what IS really right in Life. Unlike the organism human body, which we agree, already KNOWS how to live, and what to do in order to function.

There is a much better way to look at ALL of this and explain what it ALL IS and how it ALL functions and works, and which can also be easily proven as correct or not scientifically. That is if any one is really interested in this?
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:34 am
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 am What is happening right now IS NOT reality. It may be really happening but it is NOT reality. A discussion you might like to have with Me, so that the Truth can be revealed? Remembering that the Truth IS what 'we', all things, agree with.
''we'' and ''me'' implies separation, ''separate things'' have no existence, so any attempt by ''thing's'' that do not exist to agree upon would be virtually impossible since that which does not exist cannot agree on anything.

''In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king'' the truth is silent, not something to be discussed. Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers.

Truth cannot be uttered.


Never the twain shall's a sticky tricky little mickey.



We do not have to sit around waiting for each other to make that agreement. It's what we are right now.

As long as there is the belief in separation the gap is impossible to close.

The gap is already closed.

A mind wanting to take a peek up it's own skirt, will not see anything up there except it's own BS ass.

The mind has to stay in total abeyance for truth to shine.

If dontaskme is NOT here to discuss things and find agreement, then what dontaskme is really here is becoming more obvious all the time. What dontaskme says is the Truth and right, and any thing that does NOT agree with this is false and bullshit. Is this right dontaskme?
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:51 am
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amThe preparation WAS done, prior to the coming to life, by the ones that made that one come to life. The creating of the new one, which comes to life, IS the preparing. Within EVERY one there is a Thing already in there, creating Life, which is what IS actually driving the way that that one acts and bes. This Life is also the KNOWING. So, every one DOES come to life already prepared to KNOW exactly how to act or be, right?

Again, how this act/ing and be/ing changes throughout one's life, is another matter, related directly to the experiences along the way.
This immediate not a ''thing'' KNOWN.
Just because dontaskme says that the immediate KNOWING is not a "thing" KNOWN does NOT, and I repeat does NOT, mean that that IS true. dontaskme can NOT support nor prove this supposed "fact", so there is NOTHING to say it is even remotely close to the truth.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:51 amIt is the KNOWN that is not a ''thing''.
If the KNOWN, as you suggest is NOT a thing, then that would imply It does NOT even exist. Is that right? If not, then explain HOW a 'not a thing' could even exist?
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:51 amNo one knows this.
I have disputed what you say here by saying that I do KNOW. I KNOW ALL meaningful things, including who AND what the immediate KNOWING IS. You have yet to ask clarifying questions in regards to this nor have you even began to challenge Me on this. This is because I KNOW dontaskme is NOT YET capable of doing so. Having and holding onto those beliefs, within that head, prevents dontaskme from doing any thing other than just repeating what it continually says and believes is true.

Instead of just repeating things that you can not explain nor support, WHY do you NOT just say what you can explain and support?

To Me that makes far more sense and what I DO.

If you can not support what you say, then why say it at all?
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by ken »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:53 am
ken wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:26 amWhy are you here telling us things like this? What is it that you want us to do with this knowledge? What is it that you want and/or are trying to achieve?

Why are you here telling us things like this?
How many times do I have to explain to you what I am doing here before you remember? I am here telling you things like this so that I can learn how to express better.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:53 amWhat is it that you want us to do with this knowledge?
But I am not necessarily nor trying to express any knowledge here. I just say say things to provoke responses, so that I can learn how to express better. A philosophy forum is obviously NOT the right place to share knowledge.

'Philosophy' is about learning and becoming wiser, especially in regards to forming sound, valid arguments, so a philosophy forum could be considered one of the best places to learn how to form sound, valid arguments in order to express One's Self better. I come here to become wiser. NOT to necessarily share knowledge.

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:53 amWhat is it that you want and/or are trying to achieve?

To learn how to express better and much more succinctly.

Is just repeating clarifying questions the very best dontaskme can do in answering clarifying questions.

Dismissing answering questions wholeheartedly is NOT doing dontskme any favors.
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Re: The unsolvable mystery of Reality Itself

Post by PauloL »


I think we're ignoring undeservedly Hegel's pearls here, which can be of great, if not ultimate, help.

Nach Hegel:

The word ‘reality’ is used to mean that something behaves conformably to its essential characteristic or notion. For example, we use the expression: ‘This is a real man’. Here the term does not merely mean outward and immediate existence: but rather that some existence agrees with its notion. In this sense, reality is not distinct from ideality.

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