Free Will vs Determinism

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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by Vendetta »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 1:58 am
Vendetta wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 12:43 am
That isn't cherry picking information for their benefit, that is simply the way that exchanges between people work.
You're a newbie, IC's been here since Sep 2013, I've been here since Sep 2011. We have a little bit of a history. Again you're a newbie! Welcome of course, but you really don't have a say in age old rivals business, unless you've read EVERYTHING!! Have you read EVERYTHING? I thought not! Then please quit sucking up to your butt buddy, as he's quite capable of handling himself! Dig it?

you're just a newbie taking up for his butt buddy! So now we're up to date as to each of our motivations!

In fact, if we are talking about avoiding points of view to make yours seem most correct, you yourself are an excellent example of such. Formulating ad hominem attacks such as accusing your opposition of being schizophrenic will never get anyone to see your side in the argument.
No you idiot, Schizophrenics hear voices in their heads, it was not a personal attack, it's aimed at those that say they have heard their fucked up god in their heads, and that it's their proof he exists. How could they say they know? You need to get an education, my friend, because it's sorely lacking! One has to know the definitions of words before they can understand how they apply, my friend! Or are you just like him, a liar? I'll keep an eye on your newbieness and let you know the verdict, as I see how you interact with other old time regulars!

You seem very adamant that God doesn't exist.
No, I believe that a mindful intentional creator of all that is, is possible. And I equally see that it's possible that there isn't, that it's just the nature of a mindless non-intentional universe. But I certainly see that mans god is a bunch of archaic antiquated bullshit, created by a relatively ignorant bunch, of long long dead people, that used to believe in many, many gods. My position only stands to reason, considering the history of those times!

What is your evidence to support such ardent disbelief?
Show me this invisible god of yours? Prove that he exists! Prove that leprechauns, faeries, pixies, trolls, and hobbits exist! What? You can't! Hmmm. Well you got me there! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am having a hard time discerning any reasonable logic through your slew of insults and childish prattle.
So the newbie butt buddy proclaims, so what? Prove that your god exists! The burden of proof is yours! Surely not mine! Tell me of the invisible people that I say exists, and I'll show you a liar and a fool!

You say that there is definitely no God and that anyone who believes such is an idiot?
No, only mans god. You see, I differentiate, between mans creator he's called god, and the true creator of all. They are clearly two separate entities!

Fine. Prove it.
The burden of proof is on you believers in your god, not I, that says simply you can't know it, that you simply believe in it! If I said I saw a real live alien from a planet far away, would you believe I know? Would you believe that the burden of proof is mine, or yours, that there is no such invisible entity?

I find it rather interesting that you seem to believe that your opinion stands for what all humans can and should know, given that you haven't brought forth any semblance of actual, sound logic.
Believers in invisible entities, obviously wouldn't know sound logic, if it bit them on their crazy ass's!

I have no slant towards or against either you or Immanuel Can. The reason I respond is that I'm intrigued and want to bring forth my stance, not because I feel the need to help or "suck up to" Immanuel Can. This just is a philosophy forum... What would I gain from that? I simply find your comments equally as ah... perplexing. Considering my apparent irrelevance given that I'm new, if I were to suck up to Immanel Can, it wouldnt really have much impact now, would it? Same goes for all your other "old time regulars." :wink:

You do appear to be quite agitated at this point in time, sir. Perhaps if we drop the slander and discuss this like good men, you may actually be able to get your point across. Becuase so far, the insults don't seem to be working.... In fact, I find the consistent slew of disparagement to be rather laughable. I mean, come on.
This is a philosophy forum, so where, I ask, is the philosophy?

Hark! But wait! Amidst the blabber you seemed to have actually formulated some semblance of an argument!
You say that you
"differentiate, between mans creator he's called god, and the true creator of all."

So, you do believe in some sort of creator. Perhaps you'd expand on this, especially given that the basis of much of this discussion has been you calling those who believe in a deity to be schizophrenic. :shock: You're being contradictory now, so maybe you'd ought to clarify for us. That is, if you can.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Immanuel Can wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 3:43 pm
Immanuel Can wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 1:08 am Please do tell.
You do it all the time, I'll not go back looking at all your previous messages to point it out, that's your problem. Far too much work for me to undertake. Here's the deal, when I think of it, I'll point it out as you do it again, and again, and again, deal?
No deal. I'm sincere. I want to see what you allege I missed. I'd like to address it. And there's no reason I should agree to your characterization if there is no evidence to support it.
Seriously are you daft? Can't you read? I said you do it over and over again, I seriously doubt you'll stop anytime soon, So I'll inform you when you do it yet again. I'll not take the time to parse through your past messages, I have better things to do.

You can't prove it. I can, but you can't.
You sound like you're about 12 now...
No, again you misunderstand.
NO you said exactly this
You can't prove it. I can, but you can't.
And I said:
You sound like you're about 12 now! "My dog's bigger than your dog, my dogs bigger than yours." Grow up son!
You said that I can't, twice, that's the mark of a child reveling in his gloating that they are better some how for the knowing. It's extremely immature! As it doesn't matter if your dogs bigger, it's just a dog! I could care less that you know of that place, understand!

I'm not angry, upset or hurt...and I've studiously avoided insulting you personally.
By all means, do what you want to do, I'm a big boy I can take it! Especially from the likes of you. Nothing personal, just being factual!

That I'm not entranced with your views can hardly be held against one on a philosophy forum. Defending your position is what philosophical debate is all about.

I'm why are you so agitated?
I'm not agitated with your logic or rather lack thereof, instead I'm agitated with your ineptitude in following my words. Which means that you're either a liar or daft, one of the two. Again not being personal, just being factual!

Regarding the Kampala analogy, I was not being merely rhetorical, but giving you information that is true. I've BEEN there. I'm safe in saying you haven't, based on your response. So again, in the case of Kampala, we find an illustration of something of knowledge that I can confirm but you cannot.
So what? I could care less about the place. What did I say? I said that if in fact you can "prove" it exists then in fact you "know" it exists. So I was supporting your knowledge, giving you the benefit of doubt, but conditionally, as 'knowing' is in fact conditional! JTB!

The point is that you have no way of saying what another person does or does not, can or cannot know when it comes to the issue of the Supreme Being.
And so you 'believe' you can hide behind that, so as to perpetuate the lie. Incorrect, as you have never talked to or seen it, no one has. And it would take anyone seeing or hearing it, such that they could prove it happened, for anyone to "know" it happened. Anyone can say they've seen anything, but without proof there is no evidence that it happened. In which case it's more logical that they are in fact liars, hallucinating, or schizophrenic. The lies of the religious have been shrouded by conditions of their making so as to shield their lies from being exposed. It's actually quite hysterical! Because at every turn they've created a condition that hides the facts, that is if there are any, which is highly doubtful under the circumstances. Put it this way, after 2000 plus years, the odds are not in any theists favor. If one looks at all the truths, that history has taught us, it's clear to see that theists are simplify liars, and/or gullible, due to their fear of death. You say there are conditions that shroud, while at the same time say that I can't mention conditions that would unshroud.

OK, I'll tell you the truth. The real creator of all the universe told and showed me that all of those religious of the past have lied, that it has never made it self known to humans prior to me. That all of you speak of a false god that was manufactured out of thin air by those that created the lie in the first place. That's my proof that you cannot know of the one true creator. Now what say you? And be honest!

And I'll stop here, as there is no longer any need to go any further.

For as you see, you cannot even perform the same operation for something as earthly and accessible as the capital city of Uganda.
You don't know God, you say.

I agree, if you say so.

I say I do.
But you can't, you can only believe!

You say I can't.
Because you can't prove that you can!
Of course I can't. God can, because He's God. But I can't tell him what to do.

Consider what you're asking. You're asking me if I can command the Supreme Being to perform for you, so you can come to have knowledge you lack. You can ask Him if He wishes to do so, as I have done: and if He wishes to, He will. But neither you nor I commands the Supreme Being to do anything. I could more easily ask Kampala to go and visit you. It has a greater chance of being at my command.

I think we can both acknowledge the reasonableness of that.
I'd like to know your justification for the claim.
I just said it immediately above! "Because you can't "prove" that you can!"
Non-sequitur. I can't "prove" to you a great number of things, nor you to me. That does not impinge on their existence or non-existence.

I have seen Kampala. You (apparently) have not.

You probably don't own an electron microscope, or a Hubble telescope. Does that mean that electrons and red-shift don't exist? You've not seen them. Are you going merely by the testimony of others, if you believe in them?

Then what do you really "know"? You're just having faith in those who HAVE seen them. But your knowledge is not special, then. You actually don't know they exist.
My position is that any creator of everything has no favorites, at least in any particular type group of things, as it would know of all abilities/inabilities, it's limitations.
So...wait a minute. You are actually going to argue that the Supreme Being you don't believe exists has a constraint on Him, that he can't "play favourites" and let anybody know what you don't know.
It's not a he, it's an it!
Ah! So now you claim you DO know the Supreme Being whose existence you were recently denying. You say you know He is an "it."

How, pray tell? I thought you had not seen Him? of old made him up, in a world where women were property, and had no say. Name me one woman that participated in writing the scriptures...
Oh, that's funny. :D Is this the famous "argument from sexism"? The Supreme Being doesn't meet modern feminists' preferences and expectations, therefore He doesn't exist?

See, I want to leave those sorts of horribly bad arguments unnoticed. But you want me to pull them out and showcase them for everyone? Why?
No it's because you're a loser...
Please do look up the ad hominem fallacy. A person shouldn't get to the ripe and wise old age of 60 without knowing that personal insults simply are not arguments. Basic logic, that.
I know what knowing is, you obviously don't, so I'll refresh your memory yet again, for you thick of skull:
"know1 [noh]
verb (used with object), knew, known, knowing.
1. to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty: I know the situation fully."
You're a Positivist? :shock: You think that "know" means "clearly and with certainty?" But Positivism and Verificationism have been discredited, as you surely must know...or maybe not, I guess. Are you under the impression that empirical knowledge can ever be absolutely (though only inductively) certain? Do you imagine that "know" means "know without doubt"?

But by that standard, no human being, scientist or not, "knows" anything. :shock: For you do not even know for certain you will draw your own next breath.

Descartes handled this nicely a long time ago. Take a look at Meditations, and you'll see it.
Clearly a supreme being could reveal anything! !
I think so too.
And it would reveal it to everyone as it would understand everything about us.
Non-sequitur. There's no reason to assume that. Your conclusion does not logically follow from your premise. There's no deduction from "can reveal anything" to "must reveal to everyone."

Consider it this way: I can send you a picture of my family. Where's the deduction from that that I owe to send it to everyone? If I can choose the person to whom I reveal myself, do you impute less ability to the Supreme Being? Is He obliged when I am not? Why?
truth reigns supreme, and I've come to know it well,

I can take you on and win easily, trust me!
Okay, have a go. :D
In process, dipshit!
I can't wait. Seriously. When will you start?
You have absolutely no idea how tenacious I can be.
Not a problem.

I invite all reasoned objections to anything I say. I'm just wondering if you have any of those left. You say you do, but you're spending a lot of time on being emphatic rather than substantial. Let's drop the insults, and see what you've got left.

Seriously...the ad hominem stuff isn't worth your time. It doesn't bother me at all. It's just mildly boring, really. Let's see some arguments here. If you've got anything to say, it can be said calmly and rationally. If it cannot...well, then it's a very weak argument.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Come on! Tell me what you think! Don't hold back to save me! Let her rip! I can take it! I'm a tough SOB!

But the real question is whether in truth you hold back to save others or yourself! Yes that's the real question, Christian, ha!


Of course freewill, as 'limited' as it is, exists within the, 'extremely' large, framework of determinism!
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Immanuel Can
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by Immanuel Can »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 11:46 pm I'll not take the time to parse through your past messages, I have better things to do.[/color]
Okay. Insults and allegations, but not a single case in point. I can't respond to allegations made in the absence of 3even one piece of evidence, so you'll believe what you believe, I suppose.
I'm not agitated with your logic or rather lack thereof, instead I'm agitated with your ineptitude in following my words. Which means that you're either a liar or daft, one of the two. Again not being personal, just being factual!
Maybe your words aren't very clear. Maybe you can make them clearer.
Regarding the Kampala analogy, I was not being merely rhetorical, but giving you information that is true. I've BEEN there. I'm safe in saying you haven't, based on your response. So again, in the case of Kampala, we find an illustration of something of knowledge that I can confirm but you cannot.
So what? I could care less about the place.
Talk about missing the point. Maybe my words weren't clear enough. :D
What did I say? I said that if in fact you can "prove" it exists then in fact you "know" it exists.
I can't "prove" it to you. I can tell you it exists, but you have liberty to disbelieve me. You can disbelieve the atlases and maps, too. There's no certainty for you about Kampala.

Or God.
...without proof there is no evidence that it happened.
You have no proof of Kampala. Are you then convinced there's no Kampala? Or are you just saying you don't know if Kampala exists, but somebody might?
...If one looks at all the truths, that history has taught us, ...
I love it when people try to tell us what" history has taught" us. :D It pretty much means, "don't look any closer."'s clear to see that theists are simplify liars, and/or gullible, due to their fear of death.

Ad hominem fallacy. (You really need to look that expression up. It would do you a world of good, honestly.) Freud made the same kind of pathetic argument: "Theists all just want a father figure, he thought." Of course, sauce for the goose...

If the ad hominem is taken seriously for Theists, it works every bit as well for Atheists. We might say, "You Atheists are just in a wish-fulfillment fantasy: you want there NOT to be a God, because you want to escape your Father."

Except that argument isn't fair for either side. So why not just quit with the ad hominems? They go nowhere.
OK, I'll tell you the truth.
Oh, good... about time. :wink:
...The real creator of all the universe told and showed me that all of those religious of the past have lied, that it has never made it self known to humans prior to me. That all of you speak of a false god that was manufactured out of thin air by those that created the lie in the first place. That's my proof that you cannot know of the one true creator. Now what say you? And be honest!
Of course. And I'll take you sincerely.

If you say that has happened, I have no way of knowing if you're lying. I can only say that God has said differently in the Bible and has exhibited things differently in my experience. But I cannot tell you what you saw -- delusion, vision, prophecy or you're being merely ironic, trying to employ reduction ad absurdum fallacy.

I can doubt you and question you, but I cannot disprove. I don't know where you were, and I don't know what really happened to you, if anything. In goodwill, if I take you seriously, I will have to accept that you sincerely believe what you say happened to you.

But I'll bet you know whether or not that's true.
And I'll stop here, as there is no longer any need to go any further.
Here we rest, then.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Immanuel Can wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 3:00 pm A bunch of meaningless crap as ploys in not dealing, for fear of his undoing! As he avoided responding to my quote below!
SpheresOfBalance wrote:OK, I'll tell you the truth. The real creator of all the universe told and showed me that all of those religious of the past have lied, that it has never made it self known to humans prior to me. That all of you speak of a false god that was manufactured out of thin air by those that created the lie in the first place. That's my proof that you cannot know of the one true creator. Now what say you? And be honest!
Respond coward! Like I said, you don't "know" of your "fucked up god," you can only "believe." And that's simply not good enough for all those with half a brain! You morons though, are another thing entirely.


Yeah I thought so!

So you're not as dumb as you surely seem! Hide in your shroud of lies, see if I care, as I've just proved you're kind are liars and nothing more! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I win, as liars always loose!

The truth shall always set one free!!!

NO ONE CAN "KNOW" OF THEIR GOD, ONLY EVER "BELIEVE!" So says the study of philosophy, science and logic! Up to now, of course, as these studies shall never speak of the future as if it can 'know' it! If it does, it's pseudo-academics.
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Immanuel Can
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by Immanuel Can »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 3:51 pm

NO ONE CAN "KNOW" OF THEIR GOD, ONLY EVER "BELIEVE!" So says the study of philosophy, science and logic! Up to now, of course, as these studies shall never speak of the future as if it can 'know' it! If it does, it's pseudo-academics.
Did you come to believe that big, red font would help you in some way? :D You should downsize. It makes your words look like a hissy fit. The words can do that all by themselves.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Immanuel Can wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 4:25 pm
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 3:51 pm

NO ONE CAN "KNOW" OF THEIR GOD, ONLY EVER "BELIEVE!" So says the study of philosophy, science and logic! Up to now, of course, as these studies shall never speak of the future as if it can 'know' it! If it does, it's pseudo-academics.
Did you come to believe that big, red font would help you in some way? :D You should downsize. It makes your words look like a hissy fit. The words can do that all by themselves.
That you profess your fear of text, in any particular style, the misdirection of a child!
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by Vendetta »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: OK, I'll tell you the truth. The real creator of all the universe told and showed me that all of those religious of the past have lied, that it has never made it self known to humans prior to me. That all of you speak of a false god that was manufactured out of thin air by those that created the lie in the first place. That's my proof that you cannot know of the one true creator. Now what say you? And be honest!
How is your creator and your belief therein any more valid than ours? You attack in claims of so called schizophrenia, yet in this similar sort of "evidenceless" belief you are an exemption? I would say this is even less probable, considering that only you have made claims to the existence of this being.
Perhaps you're being ironic. In that case, maybe it's that you really don't have an actual argument. :shock:

As for the text, it is not fear, more the recognition of a cheap way to make your point seem to have merit.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Vendetta wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 11:30 pm
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 1:58 am
Vendetta wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 12:43 am
That isn't cherry picking information for their benefit, that is simply the way that exchanges between people work.
You're a newbie, IC's been here since Sep 2013, I've been here since Sep 2011. We have a little bit of a history. Again you're a newbie! Welcome of course, but you really don't have a say in age old rivals business, unless you've read EVERYTHING!! Have you read EVERYTHING? I thought not! Then please quit sucking up to your butt buddy, as he's quite capable of handling himself! Dig it?

you're just a newbie taking up for his butt buddy! So now we're up to date as to each of our motivations!

In fact, if we are talking about avoiding points of view to make yours seem most correct, you yourself are an excellent example of such. Formulating ad hominem attacks such as accusing your opposition of being schizophrenic will never get anyone to see your side in the argument.
No you idiot, Schizophrenics hear voices in their heads, it was not a personal attack, it's aimed at those that say they have heard their fucked up god in their heads, and that it's their proof he exists. How could they say they know? You need to get an education, my friend, because it's sorely lacking! One has to know the definitions of words before they can understand how they apply, my friend! Or are you just like him, a liar? I'll keep an eye on your newbieness and let you know the verdict, as I see how you interact with other old time regulars!

You seem very adamant that God doesn't exist.
No, I believe that a mindful intentional creator of all that is, is possible. And I equally see that it's possible that there isn't, that it's just the nature of a mindless non-intentional universe. But I certainly see that mans god is a bunch of archaic antiquated bullshit, created by a relatively ignorant bunch, of long long dead people, that used to believe in many, many gods. My position only stands to reason, considering the history of those times!

What is your evidence to support such ardent disbelief?
Show me this invisible god of yours? Prove that he exists! Prove that leprechauns, faeries, pixies, trolls, and hobbits exist! What? You can't! Hmmm. Well you got me there! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am having a hard time discerning any reasonable logic through your slew of insults and childish prattle.
So the newbie butt buddy proclaims, so what? Prove that your god exists! The burden of proof is yours! Surely not mine! Tell me of the invisible people that I say exists, and I'll show you a liar and a fool!

You say that there is definitely no God and that anyone who believes such is an idiot?
No, only mans god. You see, I differentiate, between mans creator he's called god, and the true creator of all. They are clearly two separate entities!

Fine. Prove it.
The burden of proof is on you believers in your god, not I, that says simply you can't know it, that you simply believe in it! If I said I saw a real live alien from a planet far away, would you believe I know? Would you believe that the burden of proof is mine, or yours, that there is no such invisible entity?

I find it rather interesting that you seem to believe that your opinion stands for what all humans can and should know, given that you haven't brought forth any semblance of actual, sound logic.
Believers in invisible entities, obviously wouldn't know sound logic, if it bit them on their crazy ass's!

I have no slant towards or against either you or Immanuel Can. The reason I respond is that I'm intrigued and want to bring forth my stance, not because I feel the need to help or "suck up to" Immanuel Can. This just is a philosophy forum... What would I gain from that? I simply find your comments equally as ah... perplexing. Considering my apparent irrelevance given that I'm new, if I were to suck up to Immanel Can, it wouldnt really have much impact now, would it? Same goes for all your other "old time regulars." :wink:

You do appear to be quite agitated at this point in time, sir. Perhaps if we drop the slander and discuss this like good men, you may actually be able to get your point across. Becuase so far, the insults don't seem to be working.... In fact, I find the consistent slew of disparagement to be rather laughable. I mean, come on.
This is a philosophy forum, so where, I ask, is the philosophy?

Hark! But wait! Amidst the blabber you seemed to have actually formulated some semblance of an argument!
You say that you
"differentiate, between mans creator he's called god, and the true creator of all."

So, you do believe in some sort of creator. Perhaps you'd expand on this, especially given that the basis of much of this discussion has been you calling those who believe in a deity to be schizophrenic. :shock: You're being contradictory now, so maybe you'd ought to clarify for us. That is, if you can.
No, you're not paying attention and only show interest because you're a theist sensing some sort of creator in my belief system.

For the last time I'M AN AGNOSTIC!

For ones ignorance:

agnostic [ag-nos-tik]
1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

Did you finally get that, or are you daft?


So as some would say, "I'm on the fence." I entertain both possibilities! Of course it's perfect that I'm on the fence, as it means that I can see farther than either theists or atheists which are simply on either side of that fence! ;-)

Isn't that clever! :lol:


I say that man's god, the one that he created a little over 2000 years ago, is so obviously bullshit! It can't be 'known', only ever 'believed', by fools!


If in fact there is or isn't a creator, (I never use that nasty g-word when I'm referencing the real possibility of the true creator, so as not to taint it with that poison) ;-) , we may one day find out, but at this particular time it's an unknown!


There you go, the truth as to the possibility of a creator, by the SOB!

Any questions?
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Vendetta wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 4:42 pm
SpheresOfBalance wrote: OK, I'll tell you the truth. The real creator of all the universe told and showed me that all of those religious of the past have lied, that it has never made it self known to humans prior to me. That all of you speak of a false god that was manufactured out of thin air by those that created the lie in the first place. That's my proof that you cannot know of the one true creator. Now what say you? And be honest!
How is your creator and your belief therein any more valid than ours? You attack in claims of so called schizophrenia, yet in this similar sort of "evidenceless" belief you are an exemption? I would say this is even less probable, considering that only you have made claims to the existence of this being.
Perhaps you're being ironic. In that case, maybe it's that you really don't have an actual argument. :shock:
Are you really that stupid? Really? IC understood my point which is why he ran for the hills! So you are a newbie in more ways than one, OK! It's OK, you're allowed to be intellectually inferior! ;-)

As for the text, it is not fear, more the recognition of a cheap way to make your point seem to have merit.
Your characterization, not necessarily universal, and beside the point, right? Do you have ADD or just trying to misdirect because your lies won't stand on their own? In my eyes, ploys fall flat on their face!
When you want to stop playing games and take it seriously, we'll have an adult conversation, otherwise, Fuck Off! I have no tolerance for those that would "ACT" like second graders when they're not!
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by Immanuel Can »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 5:21 pm
When you want to stop playing games and take it seriously, we'll have an adult conversation, otherwise, Fuck Off! I have no tolerance for those that would "ACT" like second graders when they're not!
I'm looking for the part of this yelling of his that resembles adult discourse. I note yelling, the obscenities and the personal attacks...not calm and reasoned discourse.

Sorry, V....I can't lend you any assistance in locating it. You might want to let this one return to the muddy waters of his origin. :wink:
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Immanuel Can wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 5:26 pm
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 5:21 pm
When you want to stop playing games and take it seriously, we'll have an adult conversation, otherwise, Fuck Off! I have no tolerance for those that would "ACT" like second graders when they're not!
I'm looking for the part of this yelling of his that resembles adult discourse. I note yelling, the obscenities and the personal attacks...not calm and reasoned discourse.

Sorry, V....I can't lend you any assistance in locating it. You might want to let this one return to the muddy waters of his origin. :wink:
Suck him, suck him good! You're an idiot by the way, as it's all caps that is considered to be yelling, but again that's just BS!!! Go run for the hills boys! Or try and take any win you can, as you've both lost this one already! At least one of you know it, huh IC?

SpheresOfBalance wrote:OK, I'll tell you the truth. The real creator of all the universe told and showed me that all of those religious of the past have lied, that it has never made it self known to humans prior to me. That all of you speak of a false god that was manufactured out of thin air by those that created the lie in the first place. That's my proof that you cannot know of the one true creator. Now what say you? And be honest!

Prove that you're an idiot, and Liar, shred my quote above! SHRED IT!!!!!!

And so that's what you religious nutters hide behind!
Last edited by SpheresOfBalance on Thu May 18, 2017 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by Vendetta »

Immanuel Can wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 5:26 pm
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 5:21 pm
When you want to stop playing games and take it seriously, we'll have an adult conversation, otherwise, Fuck Off! I have no tolerance for those that would "ACT" like second graders when they're not!
I'm looking for the part of this yelling of his that resembles adult discourse. I note yelling, the obscenities and the personal attacks...not calm and reasoned discourse.

Sorry, V....I can't lend you any assistance in locating it. You might want to let this one return to the muddy waters of his origin. :wink:
I think at this point it's safe to assume that there isn't any to begin with. Ah well, back he goes then. :D
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Whoops, I made a boo boo sorry!
Last edited by SpheresOfBalance on Thu May 18, 2017 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free Will vs Determinism

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

It's awesome to have finally beaten the religious nutters at their own game. It just came to me in a dream. Nope, not actually, it was as I was writing to IC that it dawned on me. Actually a very simple means to an end! I warned him that I was tenacious. That when the truth finally hits me, it's just a matter of time, it's unpleasantly severe, unstoppable!
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