Book parts.

For the discussion of philosophical books.

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Re: Book parts.

Post by TSBU »

marjoram_blues wrote:TSBU
I thought you wiser. You can paraphrase the piece of writing and how it makes you think or feel.
Your first choice included the title, so easy to wiki and get the gist.
If you are serious about this, then stop mucking around. Spit it out. Or perhaps, is it too difficult to show what moves you ?
You are starting to make me feel tired -.-
The second one, I dont remember the writer, but the name was "en el nombre del cerdo".
What made me feel or think was curiosity, the book has some partas like that wich I like. Feelings are not so easy to explain, Im not mucking arround.
If people post things Ill keep posting, this isnt about me, is about the books, I do it basically to find what to read with a sample. Stop mucking arround and post something.

Every time I try to explain a feeling it takes me more than one page.
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Re: Book parts.

Post by marjoram_blues »

TSBU wrote:
marjoram_blues wrote:TSBU
I thought you wiser. You can paraphrase the piece of writing and how it makes you think or feel.
Your first choice included the title, so easy to wiki and get the gist.
If you are serious about this, then stop mucking around. Spit it out. Or perhaps, is it too difficult to show what moves you ?
You are starting to make me feel tired -.-
The second one, I dont remember the writer, but the name was "en el nombre del cerdo".
What made me feel or think was curiosity, the book has some partas like that wich I like. Feelings are not so easy to explain, Im not mucking arround.
If people post things Ill keep posting, this isnt about me, is about the books, I do it basically to find what to read with a sample. Stop mucking arround and post something.

Every time I try to explain a feeling it takes me more than one page.
I found a crumb in a book. It made me wonder how long it had been there. It made me feel hungry.
I found a crumb of solace in a book more than once. Can't remember when, where or what particular book.
I will not be sharing my current book moments or feelings, not in this thread.
Because that kind of openness is more than a simple recommendation.
You expose yourself. I think you know that.
OK, I'm done here. Taking energy elsewhere.
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Re: Book parts.

Post by TSBU »

marjoram_blues wrote:
TSBU wrote:
marjoram_blues wrote:TSBU
I thought you wiser. You can paraphrase the piece of writing and how it makes you think or feel.
Your first choice included the title, so easy to wiki and get the gist.
If you are serious about this, then stop mucking around. Spit it out. Or perhaps, is it too difficult to show what moves you ?
You are starting to make me feel tired -.-
The second one, I dont remember the writer, but the name was "en el nombre del cerdo".
What made me feel or think was curiosity, the book has some partas like that wich I like. Feelings are not so easy to explain, Im not mucking arround.
If people post things Ill keep posting, this isnt about me, is about the books, I do it basically to find what to read with a sample. Stop mucking arround and post something.

Every time I try to explain a feeling it takes me more than one page.
I found a crumb in a book. It made me wonder how long it had been there. It made me feel hungry.
I found a crumb of solace in a book more than once. Can't remember when, where or what particular book.
I will not be sharing my current book moments or feelings, not in this thread.
Because that kind of openness is more than a simple recommendation.
You expose yourself. I think you know that.
OK, I'm done here. Taking energy elsewhere.
So, you feel less vulnerable hiding your true feelings all the time, than showing them to the people. Or you feel that only some people deserve to hear or can understand your feelings. Why do you ask about mines then?
You don't have to talk about yourself here, just put a page, different people can feel (and feel) different things when they read the page, and you can probably feel different things in different books, or put something you felt long ago.
Evidently, it's your choice, but I must say that yours is a coward one from my perspective. That "energy" that many people talk about, may I recomend you to analyze what is it?
Have a nice day.
Last edited by TSBU on Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Book parts.

Post by Walker »

From a childrens’ book read by many American children in days of old.
Would this be a childrens’ book if written today?

“To man has been given the grief, often, of seeing his gods overthrown and his altars crumbling; but to the wolf and the wild dog that have come in to crouch at man's feet, this grief has never come. Unlike man, whose gods are of the unseen and overguessed, vapors and mists of fancy eluding the garmenture of reality, wandering wraiths of desired goodness and power, intangible outcroppings of self into the realm of spirit - unlike man, the wolf and the wild dog that have come into their fire find the gods in the living flesh, solid to the touch, occupying earth-space and requiring time for the accomplishment of their ends and their existence. No effort of faith is necessary to believe in such a god; no effort of will can possibly induce disbelief in such a god. There is no getting away from it. There it stands, on its two hindlegs, club in hand, immensely potential, passionate and wrathful and loving, god and mystery and power all wrapped up and around by flesh that bleeds when it is torn and that is good to eat like any flesh.”
― Jack London, White Fang
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Re: Book parts.

Post by marjoram_blues »

Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne
The Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

On first thoughts in the morning.
I would have to look up precise quotes. Basically, it's about perspective...
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Re: Book parts.

Post by TSBU »

My favourite book when I was a little boy.
El misteria del solitario. Writter: Jostein Garder.

C'mon, post more things :D

-Sabes que me interesa bastante el espacio, Hans Thomas. Lo que más me interesa son los planetas y, sobre todo, los planetas con vida.
No contesté. Tanto él como yo sabíamos muy bien que esos temas le apasionaban.
-¿Sabías que acaban de descubrir un misterioso planeta donde viven millones de seres inteligentes que andan sobre dos patas y que miran el planeta a través de dos lentes vivas?
Tuve que admitir que todo eso me era totalmente desconocido.
-Ese pequeño planeta está unido mediante una compleja red de líneas, sobre las que esos tipos tan listos ruedan dentro de unos vagones de colores.
-¿De verdad?
-¡Claro que si! Y en ese mismo planeta, esos enigmáticos seres han levantado enormes edificios de más de cien plantas; y, por debajo de esas construcciones, han excavado larguísimos túneles por los que pueden desplazarse con unos artilugios eléctricos que se mueven sobre railes.
-¿Estás completamente seguro?
-¿Pero... por qué nunca he oído hablar de ese planeta?
-Bueno... en primer lugar, no hace tanto tiempo que se ha descubierto, y además, me temo que no lo ha descubierto mucha gente, aparte de mí.
-¿Dónde está?
En ese momento, mi viejo pisó fuerte el freno y detuvo el coche al lado de la carretera.
-¡Aquí!- contestó, y dio un golpe con la palma de la mano en el salpicadero del coche-. Éste es el extraño planeta, Hans Thomas. Y nosotros somos esos seres inteligentes que van rodando en un Fiat rojo.
Durante unos instantes, me sentí muy ofendido porque me había tomado el pelo. Pero, de repente, entendí lo fantástico que es este planeta nuestro, y enseguida lo perdoné.
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Re: Book parts.

Post by Dalek Prime »

As a kid, I signed out of the school library 'How To Care For Your Monster' by the same author as 'Clifford, The Big Red Dog' so many times, I should have claimed proprietorship over it. As an adult, I now possess an original.

Ah, all the silly things that make us so happy.... 8)
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Re: Book parts.

Post by TSBU »

Last edited by TSBU on Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dalek Prime
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Re: Book parts.

Post by Dalek Prime »

TSBU wrote:Image
Interesting. What's it like to be numb, with no sense of taste or smell, I wonder? :wink:

You know what is a fun exercise? To wake up one morning, and determine for the day, or at least the morning, that you will take everything literally. It can be hilarious.

By the by, the title of this thread made me think of book binding. It's not that. :/
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