the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

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the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by osgart »

how many questions does philosophy ask about existence that cant be answered? All none or some.
Is philosophy supposed to delve into the subjective experience and explain that without objectivity?
Or be objective about it?
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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by ken »

osgart wrote:how many questions does philosophy ask about existence that cant be answered? All none or some.
Philosophy does not ask questions, human beings do. Through phil-o-sophy, the love-of-wisdom, only human beings ask all the questions.

As for how many of those questions asked about existence that can not be answered, the answer is none. ALL the questions asked about existence can be answered, and that is they can be answered with an answer which could be agreed upon and accepted by ALL human beings.
osgart wrote:Is philosophy supposed to delve into the subjective experience and explain that without objectivity?
Or be objective about it?
The only thing that the love of wisdom IS supposed to do, is drive or inspire one to be become wiser. Human beings are naturally born with a gift to become wiser. Being born with a love of learning, which is a desire to become wiser, is a great gift, but, which sadly and all to frequently, the love of learning is lost through the so called "education system".

There is no requirement of what to love to become wiser to, or of what to delve into or not delve into. To become a true philosopher is to just want to become a lover of wisdom again. This is what our own natural instinct was AND what we were all born with anyway.

After delving as far into ALL of one's own subjective experiences as possible, then a truly objective perspective is gained, from where ALL is revealed. Explaining that subjective experience from a truly open and honest viewpoint will expose others on how to view ALL things from a truly objective perspective. And, only from that truly objective viewpoint IS where ALL questions about existence are answered, correctly and properly.
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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by Impenitent »

be leaf...

or be Cap'n...


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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by osgart »

i am thorougly crunchatized captain.
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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by osgart »

ken is convicted of a truth all can agree on. Maybe thats how music resonates. Now how do you get a religious person and a secular person to agree?
Hell heaven and evolution and death
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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by ken »

osgart wrote:ken is convicted of a truth all can agree on. Maybe thats how music resonates. Now how do you get a religious person and a secular person to agree?
Hell heaven and evolution and death
If it is to agree on just these four things, then that is very easy indeed, but just bear with Me as I do not yet know how to explain it easily.

Obviously if the word Universe means 'all there is', then there is no other. Therefore, hell and heaven must exist within the 'all there is'. What we know of the Universe is it is just one place, for lack of a better word, made up of objects and empty distances between those objects. If there is no other place, then hell and heaven must exist here within this one place.

Now 'heaven' and 'hell' are just words made up by human beings to describe types of places, so depending on what a human being's definition is for those words, then that will influence how and where hell and heaven could exist. From all the definitions I am aware of both heaven and hell describe the living conditions here on earth we make for ourselves. Obviously depending on what we create from how we behave or misbehave is what we have to endure or want and are very happy to live with.

Human beings do have the capability to live for ever, and surely the Universe is big enough for us to live in. As human beings evolve and create, what can be generally known as, 'life'. Life also evolves and is being created. For example human beings evolved into making tools, and thus creating the stone age (this is one type of life), then we advanced into designing and building industries, thus creating the industrial age (another type of life), and then through the continual evolution of change we developed and created technology, thus creating the technological age (which is just another type of life). Throughout this continual evolutionary process, which is what 'change' just is, human beings have continually created, and thus changed the way of 'life' we live, and thus live in. We, therefore, create the life, we want to live in. Either a heaven or a hell.

Throughout our, what is sometimes referred to as "progress", human beings have been chasing things that they do not need to live like resources, in exchange for money, which is just another human made invention and creation. For the sake of a few lumps of, what I call, just rocks, like coal, iron, gold, diamonds, et cetera, human beings have actually forsaken the actual most precious things of all to us, that is clean air and clean water. For the sake of the worthless we are destroying our priceless life-giving things. Through our learned love for, and of, money this greedy behavior has created a pollution-riddled world (or life) for ourselves. Combine that with how the brain works and its ability to fool us into believing anything, and then believe it is doing what is right, although it is so obviously wrong from the right perspective, we continually create this war-torn world (or life) that we are living in now. To use the example of absolutely every thing human beings have dreamed of, invented, designed, created, and build so far, human beings do have the ability to create absolutely any thing at all that they truly want and desire, including a 'heaven' or a 'hell' for themselves. However, chasing after the things for our own self that we do not need destroys that what we do actually need, and thus creates an eternal life of hell for ourselves, everyone. Alternatively, chasing after our truest and deepest want and desire to live in peace and harmony with all others, and thus doing for each and everyone of us equally creates an eternal life in heaven for ourselves, for everyone.

We can see right now the world or life that we are capable of creating for ourselves just by watching the good and bad deeds we do do to each other on the nightly news stories. It is us human beings who create a heaven or a hell for ourselves. No other thing does that for us. Because there is no other place than the One Life we are in right here and right now, what we do right here and now is what we will create for our future selves. We can create a lifetime of hell for our children or we can create a lifetime of peace (or heavenness) for our children, by our very own behaviors or misbehavior.

There is no other life. There is only the One eternal Life. There is absolutely no proof of any thing other than what is here in front of us all now, of which we can all agree on. There is also no thing that says hell or heaven is in some other place other than right here. From what we do right now we create for all of our (future) selves, which is our own One Self.

Evolution = Creation.

Absolutely every thing, besides 'all there is as One', is created, evolves, and passes on, onto and into some other thing.

For absolutely every thing, besides the two things that make up the whole One thing of 'all there is', to come into existence they must of first been created. To be able to create anything at least two things are needed prior. When at least any two things come together a new thing is created. Absolutely every thing after it has been created, besides the One thing that is made up of all two things, namely objects or matter and space or the empty distance between matter which has always been in existence, then changes, which is just another word for evolving, and then as these things continually evolve they move on or as they interconnect with other things they change into some other newly created thing. If every action causes a reaction, then this reaction is just creation, itself. And, if every thing changes in shape and form, then this change is just evolution, itself. The coming together of at least two or more of these always changing things creates some thing anew. There is no division between creation and evolution as both are true and as they both support and supplement each other. There can not be one without the other.

Because there is only the One 'all there is' no thing can actually go to any other place, thus any where else also. Absolutely every thing comes into existence (is thus created), besides the eternal Universe or Life, changes in shape and form (thus evolves), but does not actually die as such because absolutely every thing changes into some thing new. There is no death as such because absolutely every part of the One eternal 'all there is' thing is continually changing always, and in all ways.

Every person could agree with all of this. If there are people who do not agree, then they would be able to put into a sound, valid argument why they do not agree with any or all of this and what the truth actually is.

Obviously this is not that well expressed and that what is not expressed properly or not understood I hope is just asked for clarification.
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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by osgart »

manifest destiny. From chaos to order order to reason reason to life. And what we actualize becomes reality.
Evolution is an ongoing eternal process.
Very good!
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Re: the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.

Post by attofishpi »

osgart wrote:the universe is a leaf on a sidewalk street of a far bigger world. Crunch.
It took leave. It left. It's a leave.

Yes what i have interpreted of this reality within the leaf, renders it somewhat panentheistic in nature.

When you comprehend that the universe is digital, then you can start to comprehend a 'God'\God.
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