From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Satyr »

Kayla wrote:
what an interesting bit of syncronicity
Haven't heard that crap in months.
Kayla wrote:our krav maga instructor quoted this very line last class and then showed us how to defend ourselves from a philosopher with a whip

as is typical in krav maga it included but was not limited to kicking him in the balls
Remember, little girl, all are wicked and suffering from a psychological ailment....except those who claim all are equal, deserve respect without earning it, and are products of nurture but not nature.

Decidedly in a madhouse the sane one is the one being accused of schizophrenia.

Sweetie, never yo mind about Nietzsche or Schopenhauer and their obvious hatred of the noble sex, you just suck cocks and bend over, like a good girl and all will be taken care of.
Justice shall be served, because we all know how nature loves fairness and kindness and all those human, all too human, fables.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Kayla »

Satyr wrote:
Kayla wrote:I think every male is a feminist if he is not a sociopath.

god this is so lame making up someones quotes

you are a loser

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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Satyr »

I see you have a bright future ahead of you in litigation. The turd was right.
Such talents should not go to waste.
And his small brain is not affected by his shriveling testicles, pumping testosterone into his bloodstream and making him see you as something other than another pussy.

Whomever is not a feminist is a psycho!!!
Brilliant shit!
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by doemaar14 »

It seems to me that the discussion unfortunately has gone sour and I do not know if I'd do well to revive such an old topic. Nevertheless, I wish to make a contribution in aid of Satyr.
Women, and this statement stems from my personal observations, are very attentive and meticulous when it comes to present matters. Their minds are occupied by the here and now, that which is right in front of them, more so than the minds of men. Hence their opinions vary strongly with time and circumstance, and they will form an opinion in accordance with popular opinion.
This also explains the care-giving role of woman. According to traditional gender roles, she was to do housework and cook dinner, while the man was engaged in more ''non-present'' activities, such as labour.
Women are supposed to be preservers and men disrupters. Women feel and men think (ahead), which (partially) explains those defensive replies you often get from women. Women are not responsive to pure logic and their reasonings are replete with childish fallacies, most of the time. Successful women are those who grew up in male environments and who have learned how to play by ''male rules'', for only those women that at least partly resemble men in any way can achieve great intellectual heights. )
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Obvious Leo »

If you don't want to find your balls nailed to a gatepost you might want to try brushing up on your pick-up lines.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Dubious »

doemaar14 wrote:Women are not responsive to pure logic and their reasonings are replete with childish fallacies, most of the time.
How impure do you suppose must logic be before they respond?
doemaar14 wrote:Successful women are those who grew up in male environments and who have learned how to play by ''male rules''...
Many who have learned to play by "male rules" become prematurely pregnant and permanently uneducated.
doemaar14 wrote:...for only those women that at least partly resemble men in any way can achieve great intellectual heights. )
Are you implying that only hairy women can achieve great intellectual heights?
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Obvious Leo »

Dubious wrote:Are you implying that only hairy women can achieve great intellectual heights?
Perhaps he meant bald ones. Everybody knows that baldness is a certain indicator of superior intellectual prowess. (Or is just bald blokes who know this?)
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Dubious »

Obvious Leo wrote:
Dubious wrote:Are you implying that only hairy women can achieve great intellectual heights?
Perhaps he meant bald ones. Everybody knows that baldness is a certain indicator of superior intellectual prowess.
Now that would be an Über intellectual turn on especially if she's wearing monocles. I believe even Schopenhauer would be impressed and willing to be privately tutored.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Lacewing »

doemaar14 wrote: Women are supposed to be preservers and men disrupters.
Really? They don't both do both?
doemaar14 wrote:Women feel and men think (ahead),
Again, really? I've known a lot of men who are usually focused on the single task in front of them (even THEY admit so, themselves), rather than multi-tasking their view and seeing how it all plays out. And all of the women I know are great thinkers... and pretty much run the affairs (and plan ahead) in ways that their partners can't or don't want to. Seems kind of ridiculous for you to make such an absolute generalization as you have. Sounds like it's self-serving for you.
doemaar14 wrote:...which (partially) explains those defensive replies you often get from women.
Oh, is that what YOU get from them? Hmm... I wonder why?
doemaar14 wrote:Women are not responsive to pure logic and their reasonings are replete with childish fallacies, most of the time.
Okay, now you're stroking yourself, Oh Grand Master of Pure Logic. What a childish fallacy that is.
doemaar14 wrote:Successful women are those who grew up in male environments and who have learned how to play by ''male rules'', for only those women that at least partly resemble men in any way can achieve great intellectual heights. )
I suggest that is AS TRUE as saying that only men who have learned to utilize the balancing effects of female insight and cooperation can achieve any great evolutionary advancement -- otherwise, in general, they just keep grunting and scratching themselves and blowing each other up. :mrgreen:
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by doemaar14 »

Dubious wrote:How impure do you suppose must logic be before they respond?
Granted, the adjective ''pure'' is redundant.
Dubious wrote:Many who have learned to play by "male rules" become prematurely pregnant and permanently uneducated.
If that is your definition of ''male rules'' then you have a worldview very different to mine. Male rules, as I see it, encompass competiteveness, objective thought, awareness of the past and the future, considering wisdom as an end and not as a means alone etc.
Dubious wrote:Are you implying that only hairy women can achieve great intellectual heights?
Surprisingly, yes. For they generally are not obsessed with their appearance and therefore spend time dealing with more serious matters. These women are able to escape the trivialities of the present, but in doing so, as you seem to imply, they lose some of their femininity.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by doemaar14 »

Women are supposed to be preservers and men disrupters.
Lacewing wrote:Really? They don't both do both?
Naturally, I made these qualifications for the sake of simplicity. But you can't deny the fact that hitherto men have been disrupters who advanced societies beyond their present states. Women have been the ones preserving those states. Now, this is not to say that this will be the case forever. Women are starting to reap the benefits of decades of female emancipation. However, remnants of the ''old'' female ways are still present in every woman and it is not certain whether they will ever entirely disappear.
Lacewing wrote: Again, really? I've known a lot of men who are usually focused on the single task in front of them (even THEY admit so, themselves), rather than multi-tasking their view and seeing how it all plays out. And all of the women I know are great thinkers... and pretty much run the affairs (and plan ahead) in ways that their partners can't or don't want to. Seems kind of ridiculous for you to make such an absolute generalization as you have. Sounds like it's self-serving for you.
You refer to the myth that women are better at multitasking, but this was not what I meant. Instead, I was trying to make clear that women's thoughts are primarily focused on the present, on current affairs, current public opinion. They generally have little regard for the future. And by future, I don't mean two weeks from now.
Lacewing wrote:Okay, now you're stroking yourself, Oh Grand Master of Pure Logic. What a childish fallacy that is.
Lo and behold, you resort to making this into a personal matter. Surely you must be a woman...
My objective is not self-satisfaction. If that were so, I would have gone elsewhere to express my thoughts.

Lacewing wrote:I suggest that is AS TRUE as saying that only men who have learned to utilize the balancing effects of female insight and cooperation can achieve any great evolutionary advancement -- otherwise, in general, they just keep grunting and scratching themselves and blowing each other up. :mrgreen:
No, I would say that men who have learned to utilize the balancing effects of female insight and cooperation have taken great steps in acquiring excellent communication skills, but that's about it.
''Grunting'' ,''scratching'', ''blowing each other up'': all are in line with what I just said, so I'm not too bothered by this point.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by analoguegirl »

I just started reading his essays, and apart from his very pessimistic or nihilistic World view, I am in ore how he is able to describe and explore the subject of the will and intellect and phenomenology. And then without any warning; his rant about women pops up! I do have to say it is a bit pathetic and actually denies everything he claimed to have understood before the chapter/ essay. Least, if women and men are different species, and only if you had the same experiences and thoughts as someone else are you able to grasp their reality and existence- how could any men (or woman the other way round0 therefore ever really make any claims about her 'nature'? It is merely a man thinking and rationalising, with his man experiences, education and thinking. So he can only project his (man tainted) assumptions of the other's superficial appearance and phenomenology- which Schopenhauer so elequently dismissed in the essay prior to the one on women.
He just sounds like he had just been 'dumped' and learning about his disturbed raltionship with his own mother, I think some Psychologist should allocate the 'essay on women' out of Philosophy and into categories of some deep routed childhood traumas.
Otherwise his insights are quite magnificent.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Dubious »

analoguegirl wrote: He just sounds like he had just been 'dumped' and learning about his disturbed raltionship with his own mother, I think some Psychologist should allocate the 'essay on women' out of Philosophy and into categories of some deep routed childhood traumas.
Otherwise his insights are quite magnificent.
Most philosophers, including the greats, are best known for some of the things they said, certainly not for every idea expressed. They belong to their age subject to their experiences as much as anyone else which invariably gets reflected in their writings. It's not unusual for some to have an ax to grind relative to a group of people or someone in particular. Take Nietzsche and Wagner for example. A relationship that went from love to an almost insane hate on Nietzsche's side. A long story in itself and one often written about. As you mentioned, such personal views should in most cases be separated as a side effect of little or no merit relative to the rest of their philosophy.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by Conde Lucanor »

Many times even the greatest thinkers are incapable for rising above the stupid ideas that were common in their times. For not losing the other part that made them wise, the best deal is to ignore their silly ideas, useless for today's world, as part of an inherited culture they're not to be blamed completely. Some of today's ideas will surely look idiotic in a couple of centuries. In the case of Schopenhauer, however, there seems to be nothing worth our intellect in all his work, so we can ignore him completely. This essay is just another nail in the coffin.
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Re: From Schopenhauer's "Essay on Women."

Post by waltaff »

Google gives about 3,270,000 results on gender inequality and all those most probably state the same thing but still no matter whether one is a male or female if he or she has the same opportunities as long he or she has got skills. And nowadays females may feel they don't receive the same treatment as males but they certainly are capable of defending their rights, if they weren't most probably they wouldn't survive in this world (this assumption is based on the gender inequality essay). Surely, the situation is quite the opposite in the countries of Muslim World. Still, even there are liberal communities. Anyways, what I wanted to say is today skills and abilities are more important than gender and I believe more and more people are starting to understand this.
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