My Dilemma of Great Importance

Can philosophers help resolve the real problems that people have in their lives?

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The Voice of Time
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My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by The Voice of Time »

After the rather inquisitive attack I made on Spheres of Balance, I've later come to experience again a side of my character where I can be rather strong in my offence to learn and to judge other people. This time, it's about my personal life, or rather, my investigation into the morals of my big brother, which kinda makes it his personal life. I've already done it, but because of the deeply ethically interesting nature of the dilemma, I'd like to share the painful experience with all of you.

It all started today, my brother sending me a message saying that I'd have a nephew (that the child carried by his girlfriend and likely future wife is a boy), and I answered, because this is something I had been thinking about for a long time, that I didn't want to be an uncle. Of course, it was not true, I love children and would very much like to be a fun and interesting uncle, but it was the choice I made at the time before the choice I was to make later, as a weak distancing of myself before my own sense of righteousness brought about a reveal of my previously neglected agenda.

I sent my brother this email, translated from Norwegian (default colour) to English (in red):
Okay dette er veldig viktig, og jeg står fast på det.

Okay, this is very important, and I will stand by it.

Jeg har problemer med å tenke på deg som et godt menneske. Når jeg møter deg gir du meg en følelse av kulde, jeg vet du prøver å oppnå en kontakt med meg, broren din, og jeg tviler ikke på at familie er viktig for deg, men i generell betydning gir du meg følelsen av å være kald, som om du ikke har viktige prinsipper som følger med deg men at du bare gjør det du gjør fordi det gagner deg selv og det du har nært deg.

I have problems thinking about you as a good person. When I meet you, you give me a feeling of coldness, I know you try to make contact with me, your brother, and I do not doubt that family is important to you, but in general you give me the feeling of you being cold (of heart), as if you don't have important principles that follow you but that you do what benefits you and yours the most.

Jeg liker ikke sånne mennesker. Men det verste er ikke det at du gir meg denne følelsen (som kan være ubegrunnet? Jeg står åpen for det), jeg kunne kanskje ha svelget det viss det ikke hadde vært for at vissheten om at du muligens kan repitere den form for behandling av barnet ditt som den Hege og Geir ga meg og de rundt meg. Jeg finner den tanken fryktelig, uutholdelig å tenke på, og det at du ikke tar stor nok avstand ifra Hege og Geir gjør at jeg tror du, i svakere forstand, kommer til å gjøre det samme, fordi du ikke forstår hvordan du kan gjøre ting annerledes (forstår man gjør man ikke ting i første omgang), eller at du ikke forstår at det du vil alltid er like viktig for ungen som du har meninger om at det er. Det er snakk om:

I don't like people like that. But the worst is not that you give me this feeling (which could be unjustified? I'm open to that), I could maybe have swallowed it hadn't it been for the knowledge that you might repeat the form of treatment of your child that Hege and Geir (our shared mother and my father... he's my half-brother) used on me and those around me. I find this thought terrifying, unbearable to think about, and that you don't take sufficient distance from Hege and Geir makes me think that you, in a weaker sense, will do the same, because you won't understand how you can do things differently (if you understand you won't do such), or that you won't understand that what you think is important isn't always what's most important to the kid. We are talking about:

Slik som å bruke raseri som en måte å få viljen din på eller å straffe ungen din, med andre ord: skremme ungen din til å gjøre som du vil.

Things like using rage to get things your way or punish the child, in other words: frighten the kid to do as you want.

Slik som å bruke skyldfølelse og overdreven og urettmessig bruk av imperativer ("du skal...", "en må...", "man gjør...", "ikke...", "NEI!" i steden for samtaling, forklaring og forståelse, imperativer er for når tid er knapp og viktige ting skjer), for at ungen skal tvile på seg selv helt til de knuses på innsiden og gjør som du vil.

Things like using guilt or excessive and unjustified use of imperatives ("you shall...", "one must...", "one does...", "NO!" instead of talking, explaining and understanding, imperatives are for when time is brief and important things happen), to make your kid doubt itself until it breaks inside and does as you want it to.

Slik som trussler ment for å isolere ungen eller pengeinsentivisering ment for å låkke ungen til å få dem til å føle seg maktesløse eller ubegrunnet fristet (f.eks., nekte dem mat, nekte dem å delta i sosiale aktiviteter eller la dem delta men som syndebukker, betale dem for å framstå som en person du ønsker at de skal bli).

Things like threats meant to isolate the kid or money-insentives meant to lure the kid into feeling powerless or unreasonably tempted (for instance, deny food, deny access to social activities or let them join social activities as objects of blame, pay them to look like someone you want them to be like).

Slik som å tillate følelsesmessig og forståelsesmessig avstand i å utvikle seg i forholdet og/eller uviktigegjøre ungen i hverdagen... med andre ord: gi opp, eller neglisjere.

Things like allowing your emotional ties and your mutual understanding to go in opposite directions of one another or make the kid trivial in daily life... with other words: give up on or neglect.

Viss dette er ting du synes er okay eller riktig behandling av unger, så kommer du til å repetere Hege og Geir, og jeg synes allerede synd på ungen din før den i det hele tatt er født, og i så fall, ønsker jeg ikke å ha noe som helst med deg å gjøre.

If this is things you think is okay or right treatment of kids, then you will repeat Hege and Geir, and I already feel sorry for your kid before it is even born, and in that case, I have no desire to have anything to do with you at all.

Jeg sier dette nå, fordi jeg ønsker ikke å være i feil selskap med feil person og å være skyldig i å ikke gjøre mitt for at denne formen for behandling av unger blir i beste fall utryddet...

I say this now, because I don't want to be in the wrong company with the wrong person and be guilty in not doing my share of work to erase or at best eradicate this form of treatment of kids...
He was quite blunt in his reply saying that if I thought such of him then we could end our relationship, and although I already knew he would be hurt and I would ruin his day, it took the reply to realize that I'd wronged him. I sent this reply afterwards to clean up the mess my initial offensive had made:
Viss vi skal ende det er det viktig at det skjer mest mulig ordentlig.

If we shall end it it is important that we do it most properly.

Jeg tar tilbake at jeg har problemer med å tenke på deg som et godt menneske, selvsagt er du ikke ond eller er uten gode kvaliteter, og jeg blandet nok negative personlige synsinger om forholdet du har til hege og geir med at du ikke er et godt menneske.

I take back that I said I have problems thinking about you as a good person, of course you are not evil and not without good qualities, and I mixed up negative personal opinionating (difficult to translate, Norwegian word "synsing" is a word used not merely as opinion, but as light-minded opinion-making, describing the person as not taking enough consideration) about the relationship you have with Hege and Geir with you not being a good person.

Og det er selvsagt ikke slik at viss du noen gang straffer ungen din vil jeg ha store negative meninger om det, det er selvsagt enkelte ting som en person kan gjøre som ikke har stor betydning for individet og det viktigste er selvsagt hverdagen og hvordan den foregår og hvordan man utvikler og ivaretar personen og forholdet. Men resten får bli, skriver bare dette i etterkant fordi jeg selvsagt kan gå litt for langt og fordi små feil kan ha mye å si, selv om jeg tror fornærmelsen likevel er gjort og du vil nok være temmelig fornærmet fremdeles.

And of course it's not like that if you ever punish your kid I will have great negative opinions about it, it is of course certain things which a person can do which won't have great impact upon the individual and of course the most important is everyday life and how it goes and how you develop and take care of the person and the relationship. But the rest will stay, I only write here in the aftermath because I of course I can go a bit too far and because small mistakes can have a lot to say, even though the insult is probably already done and you will probably be very insulted still.

Det får være. Riktignok er det viktig av meg å si ifra og jeg står ved oppsummeringen min over ting som jeg finner uakseptabelt og som jeg vil kjempe imot enhver som begår.

Laissez-faire (don't know how to translate in English, so for anyone who spots the famous French liberal-economic term). But rightly so it is important for me to tell and I stand by my rundown over things I find unacceptable and which I will fight whoever commits.
He exchanged words of indirect relief and called the first email "brutal" and went on in a light tone somewhat side-tracking the discussion saying "you are free to give words about yourself and things happening".

My dilemma is, that even if I improved on the first message so it was more correct and not so unjustifiably suspicious about his motivations or giving such harsh words of my thoughts (which were also not very well founded) on the nature of his morality, I still feel right to have sent it (the rest I mean) and brought to the table the fact that such things are unacceptable, but they are still quite harsh and would still have an impact upon his day and ruin it as well as giving a giant blow to what little we have of a relationship and might even sour his days, and the question is; could I had made a better move that would achieve virtually the same good but less bad?

First of all, the fact that we might had cut contact might mean I would not have the chance to interfere with the upbringing of his child, my nephew, if it would turn out that he would apply some of the methods I seek to eradicate. In other words, I might have over-played my hand. The question is, is there an equally powerful way to express myself that would equally achieve the necessary "impact" upon his conscience and equally well shown my seriousness?

The most obvious method that comes to mind, is to play a secret agenda where if things were to turn out bad, I would regularly interfere as best as I could. However, what I don't like about this, is that 1) I won't have the opportunity to express an important idea that is not to my understanding sufficiently expressed in his environments, in other words the idea wouldn't had seen day-light and I would have to live in suspicion about him without getting to fully know the truth and our relationship would be based upon a lie, and 2) my interferences if necessary might sour the relationship and we might never have the opportunity to solve issues as they would never in their full nature be brought to light and scrutiny, 3) instead of a steady relationship with my nephew, I might experience a less optimal relationship where I "battle" over the kid in a fog of war that could lead to a lot of problems and uncertainty and unfavourable environments for the kid (to have his uncle and father battle over him and be at different banners), 4) the fact that I wait might make things happen that I don't want to happen, so I would start early to be sure, a pre-emptive strike so to speak, and lastly 5) the longer I wait the more emotional investment I waste or am never able to commit to, and a lot of investment will be risky and vulnerable to fluctuations in the relationship.

I find the impact and threat of cancelling the relationship to be the most efficient and optimal way because it allows for a possible good future after a cooldown while only letting go of a future that would likely be bad in almost every way, not that he would ever be fully like my parents that is improbable and it is not even certain he would be anywhere like my parents (although a little is still too much, if that would happen), the little certainty there is is mostly fuelled by an analysis that he is 1) not a very reflective person, he's somewhat conservative person and not very rebellious, 2) although he has a different father, he has only had one upbringing and it has mostly been Hege and Geir and they would be the only real experience he has with what it means to bring up a child, and 3) his environment doesn't appear to be particularly interested in dealing with such behaviour (people value friendship and relationship over morality often or maybe even mostly) and this can lead to an idea, a subconscious sneaking idea, that it is "normal", "okay", "acceptable" or even a good way of bringing up the child.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


I think you're right -

I find the impact and threat of cancelling the relationship to be the most efficient and optimal way

How far away from you does he live?

How often do you normally see him now?

You have not mentioned his future bride in the economics of you connect with her?

You do have an interesting & difficult situation.

As they say We don't have the luxury of choosing family...we only choose our friends.

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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by Impenitent »


have that conversation on the telephone or face to face...

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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Hey wait a minute...he decided to plumb our opinions.

There is nothing wrong in that.

...matter of fact, I respect him for articulating, what must be, an extremely difficult position.

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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by artisticsolution »

This is a dilemma. I have no advice for you at all...sorry. However, on the bright side...things will turn out the way they are going to turn out. It would be a very good thing for your nephew if you were in his life. Your presence would mean he would not have to go it alone and that if he has the same disposition as you, he is sure to need a sounding board and confidant.

But, coming from one who has lived through it...and raised her children in the manner that was a relaxed. loving and lenient atmosphere...I can tell you it came back to bite me in the ass....sort of. Yes, I have very happy adult children...but they are not motivated at all. I fear I will have to support them for the rest of their lives....well...maybe not the youngest...he is still in school and hopefully will graduate and get a job that can afford him his own life. However, the older son...who has so many gifts I never had...intelligence, presence, clear mindedness... he quit school...and I have not said anything...because it is not in my nature...but I am freaking out quietly. I seriously do not want to take care of someone for the rest of their lives..... point friends...who had kids around the same time as me...who I thought were insanely controlling and I could swear their kids would not be happy....just sent their oldest to college with a full scholarship. He will definitely be set for life as he has the ambition and tools needed to be I think are a direct result of his upbringing. I can now see that strict discipline benefits the child...where as I could not see this before. I think I did my sons a great disservice raising them the way I did. Perhaps it is true...spare the rod spoil the child (that is the figurative "rod" I do not mean to imply my friends beat their children...I don't think they did nor would I...but they were very controlled and strict to the point I used to think it was abusive.)

I guess things just work out the way they are supposed to...but man am I tired. Getting older with no hint on the horizon of any form of retirement. I am obligated to take care of my offspring til the day I die. Work work maybe...your nephew will be fine? At least when it comes to being self sufficient? Who can say for sure?
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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by The Voice of Time »

artisticsolution wrote:and raised her children in the manner that was a relaxed.
I have never anywhere proposed that it is a good way to be laid back, or "relaxed", about children, in the discussion about physical punishment or things alike this was wrongly thrown against as if I was, as if just because I believed in mildness and heartfulness I was also a believer in laissez faire with the children or undirected development and empowerment. I have a strong belief in quite engaging parenting, one must just not have the wrong start-point, like arrogance or brutalistic beliefs or a lack of belief in respectfulness. And one must be able to offer good situations out of the engagement so that the child is left with a good experience: one must understand children's need for fun, stimulation, diversity, a self sense of empowerment and a feeling of safety.
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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by The Voice of Time »

artisticsolution wrote:he quit school...and I have not said anything...because it is not in my nature...but I am freaking out quietly.
Well while I want to be a place where, eventually some many years ahead, my children will feel welcome and where they can be and stay when things are tough in life, I don't really think it's beneficial to not have a plan or the resolve to carry it out, so in your situation I would go ahead and demand these things so that at least there's direction where things are going. I would start asking in a presumptional manner and wait with criticism until there's evidence it's not going anywhere, if that's the case.
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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by The Voice of Time »

artisticsolution wrote:I can now see that strict discipline benefits the child...
Benefits? You shouldn't assume college education to be good. Not that it's bad, but the quality of a person's life doesn't depend on whether they are educated or not, and neither does it decide how much they can achieve. Those two things are achieved in a wholly different domain.

In fact, in Norway, although things might be a lot different in the US because of the economic climate there... in Norway people like plumbers, electricians and other professions that are not attained from higher education but from high-school level education coupled with job training, is some of the best paid jobs for ordinary people. I once saw a movie, rather recently, about a guy stuck in an airport because his country was in revolt. There he ended up working as a construction worker inside the airport, and the boss at the airport remarked at his salary that "he makes more money than I do!", some 17 dollars (sounds really low to me still, although we in Norway don't have minimum wages, as a mutual agreement standard jobs pay normally at minimum 25-30 or more dollars).

So yeah. If he's smart... actually smart and not just perceivably smart... he'll work out a solution himself and find a way of life that'll make him happy and make him able to contribute to people around him.
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Re: My Dilemma of Great Importance

Post by The Voice of Time »

artisticsolution wrote:At least when it comes to being self sufficient? Who can say for sure?
If that was all I wanted I'd be a bad person, self sufficiency has a lot of limits to it, humans are social beings after all. I don't think self sufficiency truly has ever made anybody happy except where dependency has been part of an overall situation that has made them sad (for instance where abusive parents are part of your life and your dependency upon them keeps you from acquiring a good life). I like thinking about a South African indigenous philosophical say: "We live through others", that means to me; our life depends upon how we can best interact with other people. Other people make us happy, other people make us sad, other people give us meaning, and other people are fated to be our reasons for acting.

The idea of a human of nature or the person who lives alone in scarce contact with civilization is not an idea of a happy person, but only a person who might escape pain, so self-sufficiency is indeed quite limited. But there are times when it is wanted, I was quite late with learning to wipe my own ass after having been to the toilet, and that came to haunt me, so such kind of self-sufficiency is very desirable.
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