Conformity and Sunday Observance

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Conformity and Sunday Observance

Post by RWStanding »

Conformity and Sunday Observance
There is nothing more conformist than a Non-conformist. [Capital N essential]. That is to say Non-conformists in Britain simply did not conform to the CofE, but often demanded rigid conformity from followers to their own ways.
In the general sense, some measure of conformity must exist in all stable societies. Not to conform in any appreciable degree is a road towards Chaos, which is to say people, and societies, on opposing courses and in conflict. Conformity within society is more a matter of obedience.
In former times Sunday observance was expected and enforced to a degree. In that Authoritarian society people were expected to understand their religion and its precepts. It had social significance.
Anarchists as may be obvious would not today subject themselves to such conformityt. Each one or family having a private philosophy/religion of self-interest or social indifference. There are Christians and others of this ilk. Anyone who adopted a more socially conscious philosophy would therefore be the proverbial square peg in a round hole.
Altruism essentially has a social conscience. But altruism is not a subject of obedience, to man or god. It might however follow the example of great figures such as Buddha, Socrates-Plato, Jesus of Nazareth, as they have been imagined. Such a society cannot exist other than by its own necessity. If a day of rest and observance did not exist it would have to be invented. Or rather, an occasion, on which a community would corporately discuss its social business both civil and philosophical-religious.
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