issue 84

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issue 84

Post by spike »

When I saw issue 84 I wasn't very exited or impressed. In fact I was deflated. It's about philosophy for children. Philosophy is for adults. Do we have to share everything with children? Philosophy and Philosophy Now should be children free.

Also, parents are dumping more and more on children so they might become something really "special". It is better if they evolve naturally, being children first, not a bunch of high-minded thinkers. Moreover, I think that what's his name was right, that ancient Greek, that people should reach a certain maturity before they start philosophizing. Philosophy is full of abstraction and contradictions that can cause havoc in an underdeveloped mind. Learning of math and music, as the article compares, are not the same. Those subjects are less open to interpretations and divisiveness.

The more interesting article in this issue is about "bullshit". The idea is overrated and over used, like the words love and iconic. Furthermore, the idea of bullish is most often opined and voiced about unexamined things. For instance, people have called philosophy bullshit but that's because they don't understand what it's about. If those people took time to look into the subject they may not think of it as bullshit. I myself fell into the bullshit trap when I saw this copy of PN, about philosophy for children, and said bullshit.

Have gotten that off my chest, I feel better.
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Re: issue 84

Post by RickLewis »

spike wrote:When I saw issue 84 I wasn't very exited or impressed. In fact I was deflated. It's about philosophy for children. Philosophy is for adults. Do we have to share everything with children? Philosophy and Philosophy Now should be children free.
I was delighted to read your response above, because at least it shows we're not just preaching to the choir!

When you say "Philosophy is for adults", surely that depends on what you mean by "philosophy"? If by philosophy you mean trying to make sense of a confusing world, then I would say that young children of course constantly do philosophy regardless of whether it is called that or not. They start off with "blooming, buzzing confusion" and they need to work out the most basic things about how the universe operates, closely followed by learning the rudiments of how to get along with other people. That's a normal and essential part of the first few years of life, and having actual philosophy sessions is simply carrying that process a little further. On the other hand, if by philosophy you mean analysis of philosophical texts or dissecting how for example Derrida's views of language were influenced by those of Heidegger, then young children probably can't do that - and I wouldn't recommend them to try. But surely the contributors to this issue are talking about philosophy in the former sense rather than the latter?
spike wrote:Do we have to share everything with children?
Parents are constantly enjoining their children to share. Can't you do the same?

Adults are better at philosophy than children because we have much more experience of how the world works, and a more refined set of analytical tools. Children are better than adults at philosophy because they have far fewer preconceptions. They also have a LOT of curiosity and surely that should be encouraged?
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Re: issue 84

Post by spike »


I agree very much with what you said. I truly appreciate your rebuttal. Nevertheless, (I know it's me) I have a problem with children in my philosophy, which includes the Magazine. For me it's like wanting to live in a child-free apartment building.

On another post I added: Come to think of it, nursery rhymes have been a sort of philosophy for children. They have been a kind of philosophical introduction to the real world. Without those stories many of us would probably have had a more difficult time in merging into the adult world.
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issue 84

Post by Richardovellee »

Ohhh - I hope I win this time and SURELY I will be seeking out this months issue
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